April 22, 2014 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom


Present:       Connie MacKay Carr, Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald Gertie Purdy, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins


Regrets:        Ken MacDonald, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, Catherine Hennessey, Kim Devine.

  1. Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Laura Lee Howard moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

  1. Approval of minutes of  February 25, 2014

Connie MacKayCarr moved, Laura lee Howard seconded the approval of the minutes of February 25 ,2014. Motion carried.

  1. Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $7,169.98 of which $1600.00 is Soaring to New Heights.

  1. Membership Report

Membership Chair, Gertie Purdy reported we have 356 names on our membership rolls of which there are 115 who have dues paid up to date as a result of the membership letter sent at the end of January.

It was agreed that Gertie would circulate the membership list to Board members and members would review the list and note any changes i.e. people who are no longer at an address.

It was agreed that a reminder would be sent with the letter to tell members of the Clean Up the Farm Day.

  1. Business arising from Previous minutes
  • Soaring to New Heights –Laura Lee Howard reported that the committee met, Connie MacKay Carr, Kim Devine and herself. They talked ideas and decided that the guiding theme would be “Cookies and Connections”. There will be a demonstration and there will be a number of kites provided which will come from the Dollar Store. It was suggested that the airport be informed. The Farm Centre is booked as the gathering site. A meeting is planned with the Newcomers Assoc.  The date will be either October 25 or 26, 2014.
  • Governor General Tree Planting – Lane reported that a letter has been sent to Govenor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on one of his visits to PEI this year.  There has not been a response.
  • Clean Up the Farm Day – It was agreed that a Clean Up the Farm Day be held on Saturday, May 10 at 9 am.  Doug MacDonald agreed to get the garbage bags and will act as site coodinator.  Nora Jenkins will prepare a letter to members and will contact the City re pick up of bags.
  • 2014 Legacy Project – Communication was received from Hon Gail Shea’s office updating the status of the Experimental Farm property which suggests that Ag Canada continues to wish to continue to operate the Farm. It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm request a meeting with Hon Shea, at her convenience, to thank her for her work done to date regarding the efforts of the Friends of the Farm and to restate the goal of the  Friends of the Farm along with the City of Charlottetown and the consensus of the Mi’kamq Confederacy of PEI that the Farm be considered as a legacy gift.

It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm request a meeting           with Hilsborough MP, Sean Casey, to inform him of the Friends   of the Farm and our purpose.  Nora Jenkins agreed to make this               contact.

7. New Business

  • Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald agreed to look after the arrangements for planting the Crown Garden again this summer. It was agreed that the maintenance schedule for the summer be drawn up at the next meeting. It was agreed that thanks be expressed to Ron Richard for his considerable help with the planting.
  • Guardian  – Lane MacLaren informed that he has contacted the Guardian regarding the Janice Simmonds Award and the fact that the picture from the annual meeting was not placed in the Guardian.  Lane arranged for an article to be written and asked that Roger Younker and Nora Jenkins be interviewed to provide the information for the article.
  1. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary