October 14, 2014 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier, Lane MacLaren,Roger Younker

Regrets: Connie MacKay Carr,

1.Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

2.Approval of the Agenda

Sylvia Poirier moved, Roger Younker seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

3.Approval of minutes of September 9, 2014

Doug MacDonald moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the minutes of  September 9, 2014 with the change of meeting date from October 15 to October 14. Motion carried.

4.Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $6,598.91. Several bills from Soaring to new Heights are expected and Laura Lee Howard will provide an accounting of that project.

The financial review of the year is completed by Arsenault Best Cameron Ellis and will be presented at the annual meeting. The firm was thanked with a flower arrangement.

A donation of $1,000.00 was received from Kali Simmonds.

It was agreed that these funds be designated for an annual Kite Day.

5. Business arising from Previous minutes

  • Soaring to New Heights –  Everyone agreed that this was a very successful event enjoyed by all ages and with a good turn out.  Laura Lee Howard reported on the event.  She also had the Board’s help completing the report to 2014.  The following are comments collected.

–      Arrange logistics for emcee of the day

–      Dollar Store Kites a good idea and are a must. They were enhanced by adding to their tails.

–      Basket of apples a good idea. Cookies not really needed and jug and one half of lemonade used. Treats were appropriate for the day.

–      2 – 4 pm  good time and is a good idea to have set time

–      avoid Run for the Cure day

–      Money was saved because Insurance came under the Farm

–      Preserve table added to the day

–      Kite making popular and enjoyable.

–      Multi cultural aspect very positive

–      Great poster

–      Great promotion in media

–      Perfect venue outside and inside

–      Good PR for the Friends

–      Heightened the awareness of the beauty of the Farm and its potential as a recreation space.

–      Signage at all the entrances to the Farm

–  Pictures from Louise Vessey can be used.

–      Thanks to Henry and Gertie Purdy for their pictures.

It was agreed that this was a great event, aided by the weather.  We would need to build on this good base another time.

It was agreed that the event should be repeated.  It was agreed that the $1,000.00 donation be designated for Kite Day.

  • Crown Garden Wrap up.  Thank you to Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald for their clean up of the Royal garden.
  • Annual Meeting –

–      Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 7 pm at the Farm Centre  with a rental fee of $100.00

–      The guest speaker is Gary Schneider and his topic “How to fall in Love With a Forest”.  He will be introduced by Sylvia Poirier and thanked by Doug MacDonald.  He will receive a restaurant gift certificate.

–      Two nominations are needed for the Board.  Josh Weale has agreed.  Lane MacLaren will ask Beth Hoar. Roger Younker is to present to Nominating report.

–      Letters have been sent to the membership.  Lane McLaren is preparing a note for community notices.

–      Doug MacDonald will take photos at the meeting to accompany a press release to the Guardian.

–      Gary Schneider will receive the Janice Simmonds Award which will be presented by Percy Simmonds.


6. Legacy project

  • It was agreed that we need to broaden the base of the Friends of the Farm and strengthen relationships. This is to be on the next Board meeting at which time groups will be identified.
  • It was agreed that Chair Lane MacLaren would include in his report to the annual meeting, information about the activity of the Board of the Friends of the Farm and the preparation of  2014 legacy request.  Lane will prepare and will have the help of Sylvia Poirier and Doug MacDonald.


7.       Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary

September Minutes

Friends of the Farm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Connie MacKay Carr, Ken MacDonald

Regrets: Kim Devine, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier, Lane MacLaren,Roger Younker

1. Call to Order

Vice Chair Doug MacDonald welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

2. Approval of the Agenda

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Approval of minutes of June 10, 2014

Laura Lee Howard moved, Ken MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of June 10, 2014 with the change that Libby Martin was not present and sent regrets. Motion carried.

4. Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $6,610.41. A bill to be paid of $319.54 for the friends of the Farm website and a bill $87.07 for Soaring to New Heights expenses.

Business arising from Previous minutes

• Soaring to New Heights – Laura lee Howard reported that the event will take place on Sunday, October 5 at 2 p.m. in the Legacy Garden area at the Farm Centre. Parking can be at the Farm Centre. Insurance to be confirmed.. Laura Lee will look after publicity for the event. Laura Lee will also work on a logo fro the Friends of the farm that could be used on flyers for this event. Laura Lee will be paid an honorarium for her coordination of the ever “Soaring to New Heights”. This is covered by the grant money for 2014 and is all included in the proposal that was accepted by 2014 Commission. Laura Lee will keep the Board up to date.

• Governor General Tree Planting – Lane MacLaren reported that a second letter was sent to Governor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on his visit to PEI.

• Crown Garden – It was agreed that there was a good choice of flowers this year. Thanks to all who tended the garden.

• Memorial Bench – Libby Martin reported that she added two plants.

• Meeting with Philip Brown – Lane MacLaren sent a letter to Phillip Brown as follow up to the Friends of the Farm Board meeting with Mr Brown. In the letter he encouraged that the idea of Ravenwood receive attention. He also spoke with Mr Brown expressed support for the project and that he intended to approach ACOA for funds for repair. It was agreed that the Board should have discussions of ideas of what the Ravenwood property could be used for once renovated. Lively discussion ensued and then agreed that the Board should organize a round table discussion. Planning of this was left til a later time.

6. New Business

• Janice Simmonds Award – Suggestions were made and the group decided that Gary Schneider would be a good choice for his work with Macphail Woods and the 2014 Acadian woodland among other things.

• Annual meeting – It was agreed that we invite Gary Schneider to be guest speaker. Possible dates are October 28 or November 3 and would be at the Farm Centre.

Ken MacDonald informed that he wished to complete his term on the Board. Kim Devine who has moved will also be replaced.

7. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Lane MacLaren Chair
Nora Jenkins Secretary

June Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, June , 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Connie MacKay Carr,Roger Younker

Regrets: Ken MacDonald, Kim Devine, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier

1.Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

2.Approval of the Agenda

Roger Younker moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

3.Approval of minutes of  May 20, 2014

Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of May 20 2014. Motion carried.

4.Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $7,136.87. A bill to be paid of $604.96 for plants for the Royal Crown  and a bill for $100.00 for kites for Soaring to New Heights.  Nora will arrange for a Financial review for the year ending March 30, 2014.

5.Business arising from Previous minutes

  • Soaring to New Heights – Laura Lee Howard reported that she and Connie MacKay Carr met with members of the Newcomers Association to talk about aspects of the project. Laura Lee informed  airport personnel about the event. The committee suggests that the date be moved to early October rather than late.  This will be confirmed.
  • Governor General Tree Planting – Lane MacLaren reported that there has still not been a response to the letter sent to Governor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on his visit to PEI.
  • Clean Up the Farm Day – Laura Lee Howard presented a draft of a letter that could be sent to surrounding businesses to seek partnership and participation for next year’s Clean Up The Farm Day. This was put on file.
  • Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald reported that Van Kampen’s Greenhouses delivered the plants to the Farm.  The crown will be planted in the next week.  Van Kampen supplied the plants at the same cost as previous years.  It was agreed that Nora Jenkins send a letter of thanks to Van Kampen Nursery.

It was agreed that thanks be expressed to Ron Richard for his                   looking after the plants and the planting.  Nora Jenkins agreed to      look after this with a gift certificate for $50.00 from Top of the                  Park.

Schedule of Crown maintenance

July 1 – 15            Nora Jenkins

July 16- 31            Lane McLaren

August 1- 15         Laura Lee Howard

August 16- 31       Connie MacKay Carr

September 1 -15   Roger Younker

Chair Lane MacLaren expressed thanks to Doug MacDonald for     his work on organizing the planting of the Royal Garden

  • Memorial Bench – Nora Jenkins will contact the City again about getting the graffiti on the garbage can near the bench cleaned up. It was agreed that the perennials are filling in the garden and there is not a need to plants annuals.

.  Meeting with Sean Casey M.P. – It was agreed that this was a beneficial meeting with a good exchange of information.


7. New Business

  •  Meeting with Philip Brown – The Board met with Philip Brown of Hon Gail Shea’s office on Thursday, May 29. It was a  meeting with a good exchange of information.  The Board learned that the current proposal that is in the hands of the Federal Government is not moving past Treasury Board. The Farm will remain in the hands of Ag Canada at present, however he recommended that the Friends remain vigilant in their goal and work. There was considerable discussion at that meeting about the condition of Ravenwood and the Cereal Barn. Mr Brown agreed to take this concern forward.                             Lane MacLaren will write a letter to Hon Shea expressing the concern of the Friends of the Farm for Ravenhood House and the Cereal Barn emphasizing the beauty of the setting in which it sits. The letter will ask for help how we might move the restoration of Ravenwood ahead. The letter will also express appreciation for the meeting with Mr. Brown. It was suggested that Holland College students use Ravenwood as a class project as an example of a heritage house and the work that needs to be done. Catherine Hennessey agreed to speak with the instructor of the class. While it was agreed that Ravenwood and the Cereal Barn are a concern for the Board, it was also agreed that the focus remains the land with the goal to be preserved as green for all to enjoy. It was agreed that Dr Maria Rodriguezj be informed of  any work/progress in this area.
  • Annual meeting – It was agreed that the annul meeting be late fall.  It was also agreed that we provide an educational speaker and all are to work on ideas of who this might be. A suggestion was Eliot Coleman on the topic of Urbanization of Gardening.


  1. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary

May Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey.

Regrets: Connie MacKay Carr, Ken MacDonald, Roger Younker, Kim Devine, Gertie Purdy.

  1. Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

  1. Approval of minutes of  April 22, 2014

Amendment to first item under Business Arising to read, “Cookies, Kites, and Connections”.  Libby Martin moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded the approval of the minutes of April 22, 2014. Motion carried.

  1. Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $7,249.98. This amount includes the Janice MacEachern memorial fund, monies from memberships, and the funds for the 2014 celebration project.   An expenditure of $20.00 had been made for the annual registration as a not for profit organization.

  1. Business arising from Previous minutes
  • Soaring to New Heights – Laura Lee Howard reported that the committee met with Yvette Doucette from the Newcomers Association. There will be a meeting next Tuesday with people from the Association who are interested to talk about aspects of the project. Laura Lee will check with airport personnel to see if the kites would be considered any risk to airplanes.
  • Governor General Tree Planting – Lane MacLaren reported that there has still not been a response to the letter sent to Governor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on his visit to PEI.
  • Clean Up the Farm Day – The Clean Up day was deemed a great success despite the weather. It was agreed that the suggestion that Board members do an additional half day to clean up the hedge/tree line would not be done this year but that this would be an area to concentrate on for next year.  An initiative is to be undertaken to build awareness and solicit help for future clean-ups from the businesses along University Ave. that contribute much of the garbage that ends up on the farm property. Laura Lee Howard will draft a letter to seek their partnership and participation in next year’s Clean Up the Farm Day.
  • Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald reported that Van Kampen’s Greenhouses will again supply 1600 plants at half price and that the Crown Garden will be planted on June 10.  The schedule for weeding the garden for the summer will be set at the next meeting.
  • 2014 Legacy Project – Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald met with the Mayor of Charlottetown, Clifford Lee regarding the status of the Experimental Farm property.   A meeting with Philip Brown from Gail Shea’s office was set up for next week.

7. New Business

  • Memorial Bench – The bench was placed in the wrong spot initially but has since been moved to the correct one.  Nora Jenkins will contact the City about getting the graffiti on the garbage can near the bench cleaned up.


8. Guest – MP Sean Casey

At the end of regular business, at the invitation of the Board, the Member of Parliament for Charlottetown, Sean Casey, arrived and was briefed on the goals and objectives, history, and past and current initiatives of the Friends of the Farm.  There was a good exchange of information and support expressed by Mr. Casey for the Friends’ goals.



  1. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary

Farm Clean Up, Saturday May 10th, 9am

Friends of the Farm


Saturday May 10, 2014 at 9 a.m.

Gather behind Ravenwood House, Experimental Farm

The Friends of the Farm will have the second annual Farm Cleanup morning.  Please come, bring family, friends or group for a pleasant walk around the Farm and pick up litter from the winter.

Garbage bags will be supplied courtesy of the Women’s Institute Roadside Cleanup which is also on May 10.

Comfortable shoes/boots and a pair of gloves are all you need to come join in.

Your help and support of this project of the Friends of the Farm is appreciated.

Contact information: Doug MacDonald demacdonald@pei.sympatico.ca, or norajenkins@pei.sympatico.ca

Reminder: If you have not renewed your membership for 2014, please find the membership renewal in the attached PDF file.

Farm Clean Up 2014    PDF File (Including membership renewal form)

FARM CLEAN UP, Saturday May 10, 2014

Friends of the Farm


Saturday May 10, 2014 at 9 a.m.

Gather behind Ravenwood House, Experimental Farm

The Friends of the Farm will have the second annual Farm Cleanup morning.  Please come, bring family, friends or group for a pleasant walk around the Farm and pick up litter from the winter.

Garbage bags will be supplied courtesy of the Women’s Institute Roadside Cleanup which is also on May 10.

Comfortable shoes/boots and a pair of gloves are all you need to come join in.

Your help and support of this project of the Friends of the Farm is appreciated.

Contact information: Doug MacDonald demacdonald@pei.sympatico.ca, or norajenkins@pei.sympatico.ca

Reminder if you have not renewed your membership for 2014………