Experimental Farm in the News

Valued  Membership, 


The Experimental Farm is back in the news. Page 3 of today’s Guardian, in an article entitled Back and Forth on Options, Mayor Philip Brown suggests working with the Federal Government and First Nations to develop a planned neighborhood at the former experimental farm property in the centre of the city. 

Kate MacQuarrie, our guest speaker and
the Janice Simmonds Award recipient, will be speaking next month on the importance of green space in an urban setting. Given that the Experimental Farm is such an important green space in a densifying Charlottetown, Kate’s presentation is timely indeed. 

We invite you to read the Guardian article, and come to hear Kate MacQuarrie on November 27 at 7pmat the Haviland Club. We encourage you, as well, to stay for the Annual General Meeting. Your input is important 

Friends of the Farm Board