Friends of the Farm Board
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
1:15 pm
Present: Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, and Connie MacKay Carr.
- Call to order
Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Attendance
Regrets were received from Libby Martin, Josh Weale, Laura Lee Howard.
- Approval of Agenda
Doug MacDonald moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded, the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2015
Jason MacEachern moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the minutes of January 13, 2015. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,516.71 with additional memberships of $145.00.
- Business arising from Minutes
- Membership – Gertire Purdy reported 112 paid up members and 351 kept on membership rolls. It was agreed that the membership reminder sent in January was beneficial.
- • Legacy Project – Chair Lane MacLaren reported that he sent a letter to the Mi’kmaq Confederacy acknowledging receipt of the letter received which he copied to Mayor Clifford Lee and Hon. Gail Shea M.P.
- • Meetings with Jeanette MacAulay, assistant to Hon Gail Shea and with Mayor Clifford Lee – Lane MacLaren informed that these meetings have not taken place and will be rescheduled, first with Mayor Lee.
- Website – Connie MacKay Carr confirmed hat she needs help with the Friends of the Farm website. Nora Jenkins will connect with Josh Weale regarding this and if he is not able, another possible help will be asked.
7. New Business
- • Clean Up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015 – It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm take on this project once again.
Sylvia Poirier and Nora Jenkins will work on a letter to be distributed in person to the surrounding businesses. This letter will also be placed in the mailboxes of surrounding neighbours.
Lane MacLaren will contact the Research Station to inform and to receive permission.
Doug MacDonald will have a map and garbage bags.
Meeting spot will be as last year, in parking area behind Ravenwood.
- • Kite Day – Kite Day will be in the fall. It is hoped that Laura Lee Howard will give leadership to this.
- • Dutch Elm Disease – Jason MacEachern gave a very informative talk about Dutch Elm Disease and his work on this project. Jason compiled an inventory of 583 Dutch Elm trees in Charlottetown on private and public property. Of these 243 remain and are considered healthy. They will be closely monitored. There were 12 trees with Dutch Elm Disease on the Experimental Farm and these have been removed. The removal of all trees should be complete by next week. The City is replacing each tree on City property with two trees. Trees on private property are not being replaced and this includes the Experimental Farm trees. Lane thanked Jason for sharing this information with the Board.
- • Chair – Lane MacLaren expressed that he wishes to complete the term of chair at the end of this year. He is willing to remain on the Friends of the Farm Board.
8. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is May 12, 2015 at 1:15 pm.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary
Friends of the Farm Friends of the Farm
Friends of the Farm Board
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
1:15 pm
Present: Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, and Connie MacKay Carr.
- Call to order
Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Attendance
Regrets were received from Libby Martin, Josh Weale, Laura Lee Howard.
- Approval of Agenda
Doug MacDonald moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded, the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2015
Jason MacEachern moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the minutes of January 13, 2015. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,516.71 with additional memberships of $145.00.
- Business arising from Minutes
- Membership – Gertire Purdy reported 112 paid up members and 351 kept on membership rolls. It was agreed that the membership reminder sent in January was beneficial.
- • Legacy Project – Chair Lane MacLaren reported that he sent a letter to the Mi’kmaq Confederacy acknowledging receipt of the letter received which he copied to Mayor Clifford Lee and Hon. Gail Shea M.P.
- • Meetings with Jeanette MacAulay, assistant to Hon Gail Shea and with Mayor Clifford Lee – Lane MacLaren informed that these meetings have not taken place and will be rescheduled, first with Mayor Lee.
- Website – Connie MacKay Carr confirmed hat she needs help with the Friends of the Farm website. Nora Jenkins will connect with Josh Weale regarding this and if he is not able, another possible help will be asked.
7. New Business
- • Clean Up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015 – It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm take on this project once again.
Sylvia Poirier and Nora Jenkins will work on a letter to be distributed in person to the surrounding businesses. This letter will also be placed in the mailboxes of surrounding neighbours.
Lane MacLaren will contact the Research Station to inform and to receive permission.
Doug MacDonald will have a map and garbage bags.
Meeting spot will be as last year, in parking area behind Ravenwood.
- • Kite Day – Kite Day will be in the fall. It is hoped that Laura Lee Howard will give leadership to this.
- • Dutch Elm Disease – Jason MacEachern gave a very informative talk about Dutch Elm Disease and his work on this project. Jason compiled an inventory of 583 Dutch Elm trees in Charlottetown on private and public property. Of these 243 remain and are considered healthy. They will be closely monitored. There were 12 trees with Dutch Elm Disease on the Experimental Farm and these have been removed. The removal of all trees should be complete by next week. The City is replacing each tree on City property with two trees. Trees on private property are not being replaced and this includes the Experimental Farm trees. Lane thanked Jason for sharing this information with the Board.
- • Chair – Lane MacLaren expressed that he wishes to complete the term of chair at the end of this year. He is willing to remain on the Friends of the Farm Board.
8. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is May 12, 2015 at 1:15 pm.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary
Friends of the Farm Friends of the Farm