AGM 2021- Island Trails to join Friends of the Farm at the Haviland Club

Michael Salter, Chair of Island Trails will be the guest speaker at a public meeting of the Friends of the Farm on November 3 at 7 p.m. at the Haviland Club.

Mr. Salter will touch on the history as well as the ongoing challenges related to building and maintaining woodland trails and acting as an advocate for non-motorized transportation on our trails.  He will also speak to Island Trail’s latest and most ambitious initiative, the development of the  Island Walk, a 700 kilometre, 32 day walk around the whole of Prince Edward Island. This talk will be accompanied by a slide presentation.

The public is warmly invited to attend and to appreciate the remarkable achievements of this volunteer group.

Janice Simmons Award will be presented following Mr. Salter’s talk.This award is given annually by the Friends, in memory of  Janice Simmonds, to an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation or management of public green spaces.

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Farm will follow. The Friends welcome everyone interested to join this meeting. The mandate of the Friends of the Farm is to ensure that the 88 acres known as the Experimental Farm remain green for all to enjoy.
The gathering will follow CPHO guidelines. Masks are required as is evidence of double vaccination.

AGM 07-11-2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

7:00 P.M.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of the minutes November 7, 2017 AGM.
  4. Review of the years activities Lane MacLaren
  5. Financial Report Nora Jenkins, Treasurer
  6. Membership Report Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair
  7. Future of Crown Garden
  8. Nominating Committee Report
  9. Introduction of Guest Speaker Sharon Larter
    PEI Women’s Institute and the Roadside Cleanup Project
  10. Thank – you and presentation of Janice Simmonds Award Lane MacLaren
  11. Adjournment and refreshments

Minutes 2018 AGM

AGM 11-21-2017

Friend of the Farm’s Recent Annual General Meeting 2017

Friends of the Farm PEI recently held their Annual General Meeting. President Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone, including speaker Bruce MacNaughton. He acknowledged Board members present; secretary/treasurer Nora Jenkins, chair of membership Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Laura Lee Howard, Sharon Larkin, Connie MacKay-Carr, Libby Martin, and Linda Thomas. Former Board member Bert Christie was also in attendance. 

Lane stated that the mandate of the Friends is to ensure The Experimental Farm remain green in perpetuity for all to enjoy. The current property status seems relatively stable, with Agricultural Canada increasing research activity on the property with a focus to organic food trials.

The Friends activities include the spring clean in concert with Women’s Institute. Doug MacDonald, recently resigned Board member, quarterbacked this. His efforts will be missed. Doug also led the Royal Crown Garden project, in collaboration with The Agricultural Research Station, City of Charlottetown, VanKampen’s and the Friends. VanKampen Green houses discounts over 1000 plants, The Farm staff plants and pulls them, the City waters,  and the Friends maintains it through the summer months.  It is truly a cooperative effort. 

Kite Day happens in the fall with the collaboration of The Agricultural Research Station, The Farm Centre, The Legacy Garden, Colorsky Kites and Gift Shop, the PEI Association for Newcomers, and this year,  the PEI Tool Library.  Beamish Organic apples and cider are shared while people create their own kites, led by Pat Beamish, or they can choose to fly a bought kite, or a donated kite kit.

Premier’s Grove- Friends have bought trees to plant and ensure there are plaques on each trees. In recent years, former premier Jim Lee’s tree was replanted, and Premier Wade MacLauchlan planted his tree. The public is invited to come and view the Premier’s Grove.

Gertie Purdy reported that there were 351 individual and/or family memberships. Now is the time to renew and/or purchase a membership for the new year. Doug Ezeard and his firm graciously prepare our financials annually, which is made up of memberships and donations.

Valerie Beer was nominated and ccepted as a new Board Member. Grant Johnson is thanked for his work with the Friends website:


Bruce began speaking about the MacEachern family, thinking of Janice, the gardens, creativity, and passion.  “Her passion stopped me in my tracks at the Farmer’s Market one day. Nothing worth doing can be achieved without passion. We are because I am passionate.” Bruce came to realize he didn’t enjoy chasing the world to make a living, instead he wanted to invite the world to his home. It’s “my hobby…Catherine (Hennessey) called to say thank you for buying the building. It’s become a place where lots of people visit.”  “I’ve given my life up to a higher power. There’s a chapel that sleeps 8 , a respite cottage booked 50% Canadian, 50% American, some stay no charge. About half are Women with mastetic breast cancer. Families as far away as Vancouver, California” . “The love we have seen expressed there –a family with one daughter who was deaf, blind, mute …she was so loved and cared for by her siblings. They said it was the best vacation in their life.”  What’s  next? –Henry Purdy assisted with a visual arts festival this summer. Some of the art s sold with proceeds going to the Garden, a convention came chose it as their charity of choice. There is a Hoyer lift, hospital bed, many volunteers, so many people donated items to help build the place.  The Gardens of Hope, 2 kms of paths, all the secret spaces, gentleman from Chile- came to spend time in PEI- his footprint and signature brought it to a lovely new level.

“In 2005, friend and world renowned photographer Wayne Barrett suggested a butterfly house. We had some setbacks, and then 4 years ago, back at it, spiders eat butterflies, so I find on the internet that John Brothers from right here on PEI, out of Montague,  makes screen for garages…so he designed screens for the butterfly house.” 

There are 70 butterfly farmers in the world. We import from two; Costa Rica, and the Phillipines.  In Costa Rica- it’s a cooperative with 80 families, they are buying Amazon lands, and they are doing eco- tourist.  The butterflies live only 1-2- weeks-se we import every one to two weeks.. CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency Approved). We account for every import, and everyone in either living in the green house, or expired in the deep freeze. They are brought in as pupae. The butterfly, is a story line of metamorphosis, the seasons of nature and of life.

Minutes – September 8, 2015

Friends of the Farm Board
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
1:15 pm

Present:         Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins,, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, Connie MacKay Carr, Jason MacEachern, Laura Lee Howard, Doug MacDonald,

Regrets:        Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier,

  1. Call to order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to                       the meeting.

Lane MacLaren introduced Megan Harris who is the newly appointed executive director of Island Nature Trust. She was informed about the purpose of the Friends of the Farm.  Thanks was expressed for the support of Island nature Trust for the Friends of the Farm.

2.   Approval of Agenda

Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded,  the approval of the agenda with eh addition of Ravenwood. Motion carried.

  1. Approval of Minutes of June 9, 2015

Libby Martin moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the  minutes of June 9, 2015. Motion carried.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,2044.44.

The development of a brochure was discussed.  It was decided that this be deferred until late fall or early winter.

  1. Business arising from Minutes

–   Kite Day – Laura Lee Howard led the discussion for the planning for Kite Day.  It was decided that it be October 3 or 4 with the date to be confirmed with the Farm Centre. Laura Lee has been in touch with Wayne Levy of the Research Station.

–    Connie MacKay Carr has purchased 40 kites.  She agreed to purchase more.

–    It was agreed that Sobey’s and the City contacted/.

–    There will be kite making and face painting.

–    Beamish apples

–    An ad in the Buzz and the Guardian

–    Nora Jenkins to send letter to the Friends membership.

–   Gardens- Lane MacLaren reported that the Crown Garden looks good.  He also reported that he has contacted Dean Worth with the City who informed him that the concrete pad would be removed by late fall.  The Friends will then need to landscape the space left by then slab. It was suggested that a tree such as a maple be planted.

–   Ravenwood – Catherine Hennessey informed that she has been in touch with Josh Silver of Holland College who is interested in doing an evaluation of Ravenwood  and the cereal barn.  Catherine is to pursue this with him.

–   Mark Cullen – It was agreed that Mark Cullen be invited to come to PEI for a speaking engagement.  It would be separate from the annual meeting.  Roger Younker will continue to work on this.

–   Annual Meeting

–    Suggested Date is November 3, 2015

–    Place – Farm Centre

–    Speaker – Jackie Waddell  (Lane MacLaren to invite)

–    Janice Simmonds Award – Jackie Waddell in recognition of her work with Island Nature Trust.

–    Nominations – Lane MacLaren will step aside as chair.  Doug MacDonald – vice chair was asked to assume chair. Connie MacKay Carr was given two names as suggestions for new Board members. Nora Jenkins was given a suggestion for vice chair.

–    Publicity – Laura Lee Howard will include the annual meeting in the ads for the Buzz and the Guardian.  Nora Jenkins will do a letter to members.

7. New Business

  • Change in Management at Research Station – Lane MacLaren informed that Gail Arsenault will retire and was replaced by Shirley Jacko on September 3.  902 370 – 1419.  Lane thanked and congratulated Gail Arsenault and it was agreed that card would be sent by Nora Jenkins on behalf of the Friends.
  • Federal Election Candidates – It was discussed whether to send questions to candidates in the current election.  It was decided not to do so but instead to wait until following the election.

8.  Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The date of the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 6 , 2015, at 1:15 pm.

Lane MacLaren                                                        Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

Friends of the Farm                                                Friends of the Farm

June 9, 2015 Minutes



Friends of the Farm Board

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

1:15 pm

Present: Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, Connie MacKay Carr,

Regrets: Jason MacEachern, Laura Lee Howard, Doug MacDonald,


1. Call to order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2. Approval of Agenda

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Libby Martin seconded, the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.


4. Approval of Minutes of May 12, 2015

Sylvia Poirier moved, Gertie Purdy seconded, the approval of the minutes of May 12, 2015. Motion carried.


5. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,377.27.


6. Business arising from Minutes

* Meeting with Jeannette MacAulay of Hon Gail Shea’s Office. Sylvia Poirier reported that Jeannette MacAulay was knowledgeable of the purpose and work of the Friends of the Farm and this was discussed with her. She confirmed that there are no immediate prospects for the status of the Farm to change. She agreed to look into the activity regarding some land at the Ottawa Farm. It was discussed with her that the Friends are concerned about the upkeep and condition of Ravenwood, the importance of the house and the need for work on the property. She agreed to look for program opportunities for Ravenwood.

* Ravenwood – It was agreed that Catherine Hennessey would contact Josh Silver at Holland College to request that he take a “quick look” at Ravenwood and the Cereal Barn. It was suggested that he be given an honorarium.

* Clean up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015. It was agreed that it was a very successful day. It was agreed that it is a good idea to contact businesses and neighbours to assist as it raises awareness. Thanks was expressed by The Farmers Market Manager. It was agreed that signs placed at either end of the trail would be good PR.

* Kite Day – Kite Day will be in October. Connie MacKay Carr reported that she has bought 40 kites at the Dollar Store.

* Gardens-The Crown Garden plants have been purchased and the planting arranged by Doug MacDonald. The weeding schedule is July – Connie MacKay

Carr, Lane MacLaren, August — , Nora Jenkins, September – Roger Younker. The City will be requested to water the garden.

Libby Martin reported on the Janice Simmonds Memorial Garden and that it needs freshening as some plants were lost. Lane agreed to contact Nancy McMinn at the City to request the concrete pad be moved and to ask for a barrel to plant flowers.

7. New Business

* Annual Meeting-Suggestions for recipient of the Janice Simmonds award were made. There was a suggestion of the topic Green Space and Health.


8. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The date of the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2015, at 1:15 pm.



Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins

Chair Secretary

Friends of the Farm Friends of the Farm

May 12, 2015 Minutes


Friends of the Farm Board

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

1:15 pm

Present:         Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, Laura Lee Howard, Libby Martin

Regrets:         Roger Younker, Connie MacKay Carr, Lane MacLaren


  1. Call to order

Vice Chair, Doug MacDonald called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to                        the meeting.


2.   Approval of Agenda

Sylvia Poirier moved, Catherine Hennessey  seconded,  the approval of                                  the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2015

Jason MacEachern moved, Laura Lee Howard  seconded, the approval of the                        minutes of April 14,  2015. Motion carried.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,620.96  with $ 281.26 from 2014                                     to be deposited.


  1. Business arising from Minutes
  • Meeting with the Mayor – Nora Jenkins and Doug MacDonald reported that they, along with Lane MacLaren had met with the Mayor. They reported that the Mayor expressed that the proposal to Hon Gail Shea and the federal government will not proceed without the support of the Confederacy. The Mayor stressed the importance of continuing to lobby federal and provincial politicians and of continuing public awareness.  Friends to keep doing what we are doing as without Friends work we would not be as far as we are now.  Friends should talk to MP Gail Shea’s office and unless we have an MP on the government side, much change isn’t likely.

He suggested we should get a commitment in writing from MP Sean Casey, as he                                     represents the local riding and it appears now as if he will after the next election.                        We should write posing a question of his support to which he would have to reply     in writing.We should talk to as many local MLAs as possible to bring them up to                 date and seek their support. Then we should talk to local provincial cabinet                  ministers. Then we should follow that up with a meeting with the Premier to gain                  provincial support.

  • Meeting with Hon Gail Shea office.  Sylvia Poirier will arrange for this meeting,
  • Website – Nora Jenkins informed that she had not received a response from Josh Weale whether he would continue as a Board member and whether he could help with the website.
  • Clean up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015

Sylvia Poirier distributed letters to be taken to businesses.

Laura Lee Howard offered to put the letter in neighbours mailboxes.

Laura Lee will call into CBC community line and she will contact CBC.

Lane MacLaren is to contact the Research Station.

Nora Jenkins will request for an email to the membership.

SubWay and Mary Brown’s Chicken – Nora Jenkins

Burger King – Doug MacDonald

MacDonald’s – Doug MacDonald

KFC – Doug MacDonald

RCMP – Jason MacEachern

CBC  – Laura Lee Howard

Indigo  – Catherine Hennessey

Farmer’s Market – Nora Jenkins

Superstore – Nora Jenkins

Farm Centre – Nora Jenkins

Tim Horton’s  – Gertie Purdy and Laura Lee Howard

  • Kite Day – Kite Day will be in October.  Laura Lee Howard will look for the Dollar Store Kites. She asked that others be on the look out for these kites.


7.    New Business

  • Legacy Garden Letter – Nora Jenkins reported sending a letter to Charlottetown Royalty Rotary Club in support of the Legacy Garden. The Club is considering support for the Legacy garden.
  • Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald informed that Van Kampen will again supply the plants , 133 dozen, at half price. Planting will take place around June 10 with the help of Ron Richard. It was agreed that Friends Board look after maintenance and a schedule will be made at the June meeting.
  • Memorial Garden – Libby Martin has checked on the Garden and will continue to do so.


8.  Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is June 9, 2015 at 1:15 pm.



Lane MacLaren                                                        Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

Friends of the Farm                                                Friends of the Farm

April 14, 2015 Minutes


Friends of the Farm Board

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1:15 pm

Present:         Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, and Connie MacKay Carr.

  1. Call to order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the                       meeting.


  1. Attendance

Regrets were received from Libby Martin, Josh Weale, Laura Lee Howard.


  1. Approval of Agenda

Doug MacDonald moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded,  the approval of                             the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2015

Jason MacEachern moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the                  minutes of January 13,  2015. Motion carried.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,516.71 with additional memberships of                   $145.00.


  1. Business arising from Minutes
  • Membership – Gertire Purdy reported 112 paid up members and 351 kept on membership rolls. It was agreed that the membership reminder sent in January was beneficial.
  • • Legacy Project – Chair Lane MacLaren reported that he sent a letter to the Mi’kmaq Confederacy acknowledging receipt of the letter received which he copied to Mayor Clifford Lee and Hon. Gail Shea M.P.
  • • Meetings with Jeanette MacAulay, assistant to Hon Gail Shea and with Mayor Clifford Lee – Lane MacLaren informed that these meetings have not taken place and will be rescheduled, first with Mayor Lee.
    • Website – Connie MacKay Carr confirmed hat she needs help with the Friends of the Farm website.  Nora Jenkins will connect with Josh Weale regarding this and if he is not able, another possible help will be asked.


7.  New Business

  • • Clean Up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015 – It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm take on this project once again.

Sylvia Poirier and Nora Jenkins will work on a letter to be distributed in person to                  the surrounding businesses. This letter will also be placed in the mailboxes of                                surrounding neighbours.

Lane MacLaren will contact the Research Station to inform and to receive                               permission.

Doug MacDonald will have a map and garbage bags.

Meeting spot will be as last year, in parking area behind Ravenwood.

  • • Kite Day – Kite Day will be in the fall.  It is hoped that Laura Lee Howard will give leadership to this.
  • • Dutch Elm Disease – Jason MacEachern gave a very informative talk about Dutch Elm Disease and his work on this project. Jason compiled an inventory of 583 Dutch Elm trees in Charlottetown on private and public property. Of these 243 remain and are considered healthy.  They will be closely monitored. There were 12 trees with Dutch Elm Disease on the Experimental Farm and these have been removed.  The removal of all trees should be complete by next week.  The City is replacing each tree on City property with two trees.  Trees on private property are not being replaced and this includes the Experimental Farm trees. Lane thanked Jason for sharing this information with the Board.
  • • Chair – Lane MacLaren expressed that he wishes to complete the term of chair at the end of this year. He is willing to remain on the Friends of the Farm Board.


8.  Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is May 12, 2015 at 1:15 pm.





Lane MacLaren                                                        Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

Friends of the Farm                                                Friends of the Farm


Friends of the Farm Board

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1:15 pm

Present:         Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, and Connie MacKay Carr.

  1. Call to order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the                       meeting.


  1. Attendance

Regrets were received from Libby Martin, Josh Weale, Laura Lee Howard.


  1. Approval of Agenda

Doug MacDonald moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded,  the approval of                             the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2015

Jason MacEachern moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the                  minutes of January 13,  2015. Motion carried.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,516.71 with additional memberships of                   $145.00.


  1. Business arising from Minutes
  • Membership – Gertire Purdy reported 112 paid up members and 351 kept on membership rolls. It was agreed that the membership reminder sent in January was beneficial.
  • • Legacy Project – Chair Lane MacLaren reported that he sent a letter to the Mi’kmaq Confederacy acknowledging receipt of the letter received which he copied to Mayor Clifford Lee and Hon. Gail Shea M.P.
  • • Meetings with Jeanette MacAulay, assistant to Hon Gail Shea and with Mayor Clifford Lee – Lane MacLaren informed that these meetings have not taken place and will be rescheduled, first with Mayor Lee.
    • Website – Connie MacKay Carr confirmed hat she needs help with the Friends of the Farm website.  Nora Jenkins will connect with Josh Weale regarding this and if he is not able, another possible help will be asked.


7.  New Business

  • • Clean Up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015 – It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm take on this project once again.

Sylvia Poirier and Nora Jenkins will work on a letter to be distributed in person to                  the surrounding businesses. This letter will also be placed in the mailboxes of                                surrounding neighbours.

Lane MacLaren will contact the Research Station to inform and to receive                               permission.

Doug MacDonald will have a map and garbage bags.

Meeting spot will be as last year, in parking area behind Ravenwood.

  • • Kite Day – Kite Day will be in the fall.  It is hoped that Laura Lee Howard will give leadership to this.
  • • Dutch Elm Disease – Jason MacEachern gave a very informative talk about Dutch Elm Disease and his work on this project. Jason compiled an inventory of 583 Dutch Elm trees in Charlottetown on private and public property. Of these 243 remain and are considered healthy.  They will be closely monitored. There were 12 trees with Dutch Elm Disease on the Experimental Farm and these have been removed.  The removal of all trees should be complete by next week.  The City is replacing each tree on City property with two trees.  Trees on private property are not being replaced and this includes the Experimental Farm trees. Lane thanked Jason for sharing this information with the Board.
  • • Chair – Lane MacLaren expressed that he wishes to complete the term of chair at the end of this year. He is willing to remain on the Friends of the Farm Board.


8.  Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is May 12, 2015 at 1:15 pm.





Lane MacLaren                                                        Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

Friends of the Farm                                                Friends of the Farm

January 13, 2015 Minutes


Friends of the Farm Board

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1:15 pm

Present:         Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Sylvia Poirier, Roger Younker, and Connie MacKay Carr.

  1. Call to order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed eye to the first                    meeting of the new year.


  1. Attendance

Regrets were received from Jason MacEachern

  1. Approval of Agenda

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Libby Martin seconded, with additions the approval of              the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Minutes of October 14, 2014

Catherine Hennessey moved, Gertie Purdy seconded, the approval of the minutes of October 14, 2014. Motion carried.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,317.18.  She reported a membership                  deposit of $1,025.00 and expenses of $133.87 paid to island Nature trust for                           postage and photocopying for 2014.


  1. Business arising from Minutes
  • • Membership – Gertire Purdy reported 74 paid up members.  She suggested a mail out to remind that memberships are due. She will work with Nora Jenkins to have this letter sent.
  • Legacy Project – Chair Lane MacLaren circulated a letter to the Friends of the Farm from the Mi’kmaq Confederacy in which the Friends of the Farm is informed  that the Confederacy no longer agrees to the consensus agreed upon for the Experimental Farm property and which was proposed to the federal Government of Canada.

A response was discussed and it was agreed that Chair Lane MacLAren would                     write a letter to acknowledge receipt of this letter which would be copied to the City                       of Charlottetown and Hon. Gail Shea M.P.


7.  New Business

  • • Website – Connie MacKay Carr reported looking after the website. She relied on assistance from Alex Carr but he is not available at present. It was agreed that Josh Weale be asked to look after the Friends of the Farm website.
  • • Meeting with Jeanette MacAulay, assistant to Hon Gail Shea. Sylvia Poirier agreed to set up a meeting with Ms. MacAulay with the possible date February 19 afternoon. Board members will be informed of the confirmed date and time.
  • • Meeting with Mayor Clifford Lee – Lane MacLaren will arrange for a meeting with Mayor Clifford Lee.
  • • Year activities – It was agreed that the annual clean up the Farm day will take place in May. It was agreed that at the March, April meeting there be a plan made to invite neighbours of the Farm to participate.  It was agreed that the Friends host a kite flying day in 2015. The idea of a guest speaker was discussed, possibly partnering with the Samuel Holland anniversary or planning a speaker about Museum planning.


8.  Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is March 10, 2015 at 1:15 pm or at the call of the chair.





Lane MacLaren                                                        Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

Friends of the Farm                                                Friends of the Farm