AGM 2021- Island Trails to join Friends of the Farm at the Haviland Club

Michael Salter, Chair of Island Trails will be the guest speaker at a public meeting of the Friends of the Farm on November 3 at 7 p.m. at the Haviland Club.

Mr. Salter will touch on the history as well as the ongoing challenges related to building and maintaining woodland trails and acting as an advocate for non-motorized transportation on our trails.  He will also speak to Island Trail’s latest and most ambitious initiative, the development of the  Island Walk, a 700 kilometre, 32 day walk around the whole of Prince Edward Island. This talk will be accompanied by a slide presentation.

The public is warmly invited to attend and to appreciate the remarkable achievements of this volunteer group.

Janice Simmons Award will be presented following Mr. Salter’s talk.This award is given annually by the Friends, in memory of  Janice Simmonds, to an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation or management of public green spaces.

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Farm will follow. The Friends welcome everyone interested to join this meeting. The mandate of the Friends of the Farm is to ensure that the 88 acres known as the Experimental Farm remain green for all to enjoy.
The gathering will follow CPHO guidelines. Masks are required as is evidence of double vaccination.

AGM 07-11-2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

7:00 P.M.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of the minutes November 7, 2017 AGM.
  4. Review of the years activities Lane MacLaren
  5. Financial Report Nora Jenkins, Treasurer
  6. Membership Report Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair
  7. Future of Crown Garden
  8. Nominating Committee Report
  9. Introduction of Guest Speaker Sharon Larter
    PEI Women’s Institute and the Roadside Cleanup Project
  10. Thank – you and presentation of Janice Simmonds Award Lane MacLaren
  11. Adjournment and refreshments

Minutes 2018 AGM

AGM 11-21-2017

Friend of the Farm’s Recent Annual General Meeting 2017

Friends of the Farm PEI recently held their Annual General Meeting. President Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone, including speaker Bruce MacNaughton. He acknowledged Board members present; secretary/treasurer Nora Jenkins, chair of membership Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Laura Lee Howard, Sharon Larkin, Connie MacKay-Carr, Libby Martin, and Linda Thomas. Former Board member Bert Christie was also in attendance. 

Lane stated that the mandate of the Friends is to ensure The Experimental Farm remain green in perpetuity for all to enjoy. The current property status seems relatively stable, with Agricultural Canada increasing research activity on the property with a focus to organic food trials.

The Friends activities include the spring clean in concert with Women’s Institute. Doug MacDonald, recently resigned Board member, quarterbacked this. His efforts will be missed. Doug also led the Royal Crown Garden project, in collaboration with The Agricultural Research Station, City of Charlottetown, VanKampen’s and the Friends. VanKampen Green houses discounts over 1000 plants, The Farm staff plants and pulls them, the City waters,  and the Friends maintains it through the summer months.  It is truly a cooperative effort. 

Kite Day happens in the fall with the collaboration of The Agricultural Research Station, The Farm Centre, The Legacy Garden, Colorsky Kites and Gift Shop, the PEI Association for Newcomers, and this year,  the PEI Tool Library.  Beamish Organic apples and cider are shared while people create their own kites, led by Pat Beamish, or they can choose to fly a bought kite, or a donated kite kit.

Premier’s Grove- Friends have bought trees to plant and ensure there are plaques on each trees. In recent years, former premier Jim Lee’s tree was replanted, and Premier Wade MacLauchlan planted his tree. The public is invited to come and view the Premier’s Grove.

Gertie Purdy reported that there were 351 individual and/or family memberships. Now is the time to renew and/or purchase a membership for the new year. Doug Ezeard and his firm graciously prepare our financials annually, which is made up of memberships and donations.

Valerie Beer was nominated and ccepted as a new Board Member. Grant Johnson is thanked for his work with the Friends website:


Bruce began speaking about the MacEachern family, thinking of Janice, the gardens, creativity, and passion.  “Her passion stopped me in my tracks at the Farmer’s Market one day. Nothing worth doing can be achieved without passion. We are because I am passionate.” Bruce came to realize he didn’t enjoy chasing the world to make a living, instead he wanted to invite the world to his home. It’s “my hobby…Catherine (Hennessey) called to say thank you for buying the building. It’s become a place where lots of people visit.”  “I’ve given my life up to a higher power. There’s a chapel that sleeps 8 , a respite cottage booked 50% Canadian, 50% American, some stay no charge. About half are Women with mastetic breast cancer. Families as far away as Vancouver, California” . “The love we have seen expressed there –a family with one daughter who was deaf, blind, mute …she was so loved and cared for by her siblings. They said it was the best vacation in their life.”  What’s  next? –Henry Purdy assisted with a visual arts festival this summer. Some of the art s sold with proceeds going to the Garden, a convention came chose it as their charity of choice. There is a Hoyer lift, hospital bed, many volunteers, so many people donated items to help build the place.  The Gardens of Hope, 2 kms of paths, all the secret spaces, gentleman from Chile- came to spend time in PEI- his footprint and signature brought it to a lovely new level.

“In 2005, friend and world renowned photographer Wayne Barrett suggested a butterfly house. We had some setbacks, and then 4 years ago, back at it, spiders eat butterflies, so I find on the internet that John Brothers from right here on PEI, out of Montague,  makes screen for garages…so he designed screens for the butterfly house.” 

There are 70 butterfly farmers in the world. We import from two; Costa Rica, and the Phillipines.  In Costa Rica- it’s a cooperative with 80 families, they are buying Amazon lands, and they are doing eco- tourist.  The butterflies live only 1-2- weeks-se we import every one to two weeks.. CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency Approved). We account for every import, and everyone in either living in the green house, or expired in the deep freeze. They are brought in as pupae. The butterfly, is a story line of metamorphosis, the seasons of nature and of life.

AGM 28-10-2014



Farm Centre, University Avenue

Tuesday, October 28,2014

7 P.M.

1.        Call to Order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. The members of the Friends of the Farm Board were introduced. Mr. MacLaren recognized Kim Devine and Ken MacDonald, retiring members of the Board, and expressed thanks for their contribution as members of the Friends of the Farm Board.

2.        Approval of Agenda

Sylvia Poirier  moved, Ewen Stewart seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3.        Approval of the minutes of the 2013 annual meeting, November 5, 2013.

Bert Christie moved, Libby Martin  seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting on November 5, 2013. Motion carried.

4.        Review of the years activities

Lane MacLaren, chair, reviewed the activities of the Friends of the Farm of the past year.  He reported that the Friends of the Farm Board met monthly, with the exception of March, July and August, to carry on the business of the Friends of the Farm.  He highlighted the Crown Garden which was planted again this year, and he expressed appreciation to Doug MacDonald who volunteered considerable time to making sure the garden was planted and who arranged with thanks to VanKampen Nursery to obtain plants at half price.

During Feb  meeting Adam Maclean addressed the board regarding the 2014 legacy garden.

Permanent location for the Janice Simmonds award has been found and is in a display cabinet at the Farm Centre.

Second annual Clean up the Farm day held in May with great success, with the plan to partner with area businesses next year.

The Board met  with Charlottetown MP Sean Casey.

A 2014 grant was received and Soaring to New Heights was held with great success with thanks to Laura Lee Howard and Connie MacKay Carr, also Ag Canada, the Farm Centre, Newcomers Association, Beamish Apple Orchard.

Board has begun exploring the possibility of either receiving a commitment or funding from the Fed government for the restoration of the cereal barn and Ravenwood house and this is in early stages.

Mr. MacLaren also informed the meeting of the work that was done by the Board to receive consensus with the Mi’kmag Confederacy and the City of Charlottetown which resulted in a proposal which was taken to Hon Gail Shea, MP Egmont, to be presented to the federal government  and proposed that the Farm be granted to the people of PEI as a 2014 legacy gift.


5.        Financial Report   

Nora Jenkins, Secretary Treasurer, circulated the financial statement  for the year April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014.  Thanks was expressed to the accounting firm of Arsenault, Best, Ellis, Cameron for providing the Financial Review  and found to be in accordance with the Canadian accounting standards for not for profit organizations.

Nora Jenkins moved, Bert Christie seconded,  the acceptance of the Financial Statement as presented. Motion carried.

Nora Jenkins  moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded  that Arsensault Best Cameron Ellis be asked to provide the financial review for the year April 1 2014 to March 31, 2015. Motion carried.

6.        Membership Report

Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, thanked members for support and reported that there are 359 on the list as members of the Friends of the Farm. She noted that the annual meeting marks the beginning of a new year and that memberships for the upcoming year are now due. Gertie Purdy moved, Steve Knechtel seconded the adoption of the membership report.  Motion carried.

7.        Nominating Committee Report          

Nora Jenkins presented the nomination report: Chair,Lane MacLaren,Vice Chair      Doug MacDonald,Secretary Treasurer Nora Jenkins, Directors Connie MacKay Carr, Gertie Purdy. Roger Younker, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Sylvia Poirier, Laura Lee Howard, Josh Weale. Jason MacEachern.

Mr MacLaren called for nominations from the floor.  There being none, Doug MacDonald moved, Kirsten Connor seconded  the adoption of the nominating report.  Motion carried.


8.        Introduction of Guest Speaker           

Sylvia Poirier introduced guest speaker, Gary Schneider, forester and environmental educator, who presented on the topic “How to Love a Forest” which was well received and appreciated. Doug MacDonald thanked the guest speaker.


9.       Presentation of the Janice Simmonds Award

            Lane MacLaren introduced the Janice Simmonds Award and explained that the Janice Simmonds Award was  established by the Friends of the Farm (PEI) Inc. to honour an individual, group, or agency who/which has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island, including but not limited to the land within the City of Charlottetown commonly referred to as “The Experimental Farm”.

Lane MacLaren then announced  the recipient, Gary Schneider, for his work as a forester on PEI, an educator and in particular, his work a the Macphail Woods.  Percy Simmonds presented the award.


10.      Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


Lane MacLaren                                                       Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary

AGM 04-11-2013



Farm Centre, University Avenue

Monday, November 5, 2013

7 P.M.

1.        Call to Order

             Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. The presence of the Simmonds-MacEachern family and the MacLeod family was noted and they were welcomed to the meeting. The members of the Friends of the Farm Board were introduced.

2.        Approval of Agenda

            Kim Devine moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3.        Approval of the minutes of the 2012 annual meeting, November 6, 2012.

            Connie MacKay Carr moved, Gertie Purdy  seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting on November 6, 2012. Motion carried.

4.        Review of the years activities             

            LaneMacLaren, chair, reviewed the activities of the Friends of the Farm of the past year.  He reported that the Friends of the Farm Board met  monthly, with the exception of July and August, to carry on the business of the Friends of the Farm.  He highlighted the Crown Garden which was planted again this year, and he expressed appreciation to Doug MacDonald who volunteered considerable time to making sure the garden was planted and who arranged with thanks to VanKampen Nursery to obtain plants at half price.  The new initiative, Clean Up the Farm Day on May 11, 2013, was noted and recognized as a very successful day with good participation and result.

            Mr. MacLaren informed that Senator Catherine Callbeck planted a Linden tree in the Premier’s Grove on June 18,2013, before a gathering, to commemorate her time as Premier of Prince Edward Island.  A Memorial Bench in memory of Janice Simmonds was placed on the Trail in the middle of the Farm.  Board members supplied plants and created a garden at the bench for all to enjoy.

            “Soaring to New Heights” , a 2014 project of Friends of the Farm was announced and,thanks to being a recipient of a 2014 small grant, will take place in October 2014.  Thanks was expressed to Laura Lee Howard and committee for their work on this project.

            Noted as well is the website for the Friends of the Farm which is kept up to date thanks to Connie MacKay Carr.

5.        Financial Report                                       

Nora Jenkins, Secretary Treasurer, circulated the financial statement  for the year April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.  This is the result of the Financial Review as conducted by Doug Ezaerd CA of the Accounting firm, Arsenault, Best Cameron Ellis and found to be in accordance with the Canadian accounting standards for not for profit organizations.

Nora Jenkins moved, Ken MacDonald seconded,  the acceptance of the Financial Statement as presented. Motion carried.

Nora Jenkins  moved, Ken MacDonald seconded  that Arsensault Best Cameron Ellis be asked to provide the financial review for the year April 1 2013 to March 31, 2014. Motion carried.

Nora Jenkins provided  information about the Janice Simmonds Memorial donations.  She expressed that  the Board of the Friends of the Farm was very thankful that the Friends of the Farm was remembered by Janice’s family in this way and have  been very thoughtful in the use of these donations. She informed that there was a  total of $3, 790.00 in the fund.  Of that $1850.00 has been spent on the memorial bench, and on the Janice Simmonds Award which includes the large award and 10 small presentation awards for the next  ten years leaving $1,840.00 in the fund for future special plans.

6.        Membership Report

            Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, thanked members for support and reported that there are 359 on the list as members of the Friends of the Farm. She noted that the annual meeting marks the beginning of a new year and that memberships for the upcoming year are now due. Gertie Purdy moved, Steve Knechtel seconded the adoption of the membership report.  Motion carried.

7.        Nominating Committee Report          

            Chair, Lane MacLaren  presented the nomination report which informed that all present Board members are willing to serve another term. Mr MacLaren  called for nominations from the floor.  There being none, Lane MacLaren  moved, Ewen Stewart seconded  the adoption of the nominating report.  Motion carried.


8.        Presentation of the Janice Simmonds Award

            Lane MacLaren introduced the Janice Simmonds Award.  He thanked the members of the Simmonds/MacEachern family for their support and presence and also  family representative, Charles Coll, for the recipient, the late Lloyd MacLeod.  He explained that the Janice Simmonds Award was  established by the Friends of the Farm (PEI) Inc. to honour an individual, group, or agency who/which has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island, including but not limited to the land within the City of Charlottetown commonly referred to as “The Experimental Farm”.

                Henry Purdy was thanked for his artistic assistance in creating the award. Mr Purdy explained his concept for the award and the meaning.  The award was then crafted by MacAskills.  Board member, Roger Younker was thanked for his work on this project.

                Lane MacLaren then introduced the first recipient, the late Lloyd MacLeod, the founding chair of Friends of the Farm, advocate for green spaces and community contributor.

                Percy Simmonds presented the award to Charles Coll, son in law of Lloyd MacLeod, who received on behalf of the MacLeod family.

9.        Introduction of Guest Speaker           

            Laura Lee Howard introduced guest speaker, Bert Christie, who addressed the topic “The Charlottetown Experimental Farm: 100 years of Community Connection and Innovative Research”. Nora Jenkins thanked Bert Christie for his delightful and informative talk.   Appreciation was shown.

10.      Adjournment

            There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


Lane MacLaren                                                       Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                          Secretary


AGM 06-11-2012



Farm Centre, University Avenue

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

7 P.M.

1. Call to Order

Acting Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Lloyd MacLeod, Honourary Chair, and Bert Christie, past Board member, were recognized.

2. Approval of Agenda

Kim Devine moved, Bert Christie the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the minutes of the 2011 annual meeting, November 21, 2011.

Sylvia Poirier moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting on November 21, 2011. Motion carried.

4. Review of the years activities

Lane Mac Laren, acting chair, reviewed the activities of the Friends of the Farm of the past year. He highlighted the Crown Garden which was planted again this year, and he expressed appreciation to Doug MacDonald who volunteer’s considerable time to making sure the garden is planted and who arranges with VanKampen Nursery to obtain plants at half price. It was pointed out that staff of the Experimental Farm plant the Crown Garden but do not maintain and that volunteers with Friends of the Farm will need to do this another year.

Mr MacLaren noted the presentation which was organized in the spring for the public with Kevin Garvey about early and present day apple growing on Prince Edward Island with particular note on the apple orchard that stood on the Experimental Farm.

Noted as well is the revamped website for the Friends of the Farm which is kept up to date thanks to Connie MacKay Carr. And that there have been meetings with the City of Charlottetown, management of the Research Station and the Hon. Gail Shea with the purpose to continue to advocate for the Farms future as green space.


5. Financial Report

Nora Jenkins, Secretary Treasurer, circulated the financial report/review for the year April 2011 – March 2012. Nora Jenkins moved, Lloyd MacLeod seconded, the adoption of the financial review as presented by the accountant firm of Arsenault, Best, Cameron and Ellis. Motion carried. Nora Jenkins moved, Sylvia Mulligan seconded that Arsenault, Best, Cameron and Ellis be the accountants for the financial review for the Friends of the Farm for the year April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. Motion carried.

6. Membership Report

Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, thanked members for support and reported that there are 340 members of the Friends of the Farm. Gertie Purdy moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the adoption of the membership report. Motion carried.

7. Nominating Committee Report

Sylvia Poirier presented the nomination report: Chair Lane MacLaren, Vice Chair Doug MacDonald and board member to fill vacancy, Laura Lee Howard. Ms. Poirier called for nominations from the floor. There being none, she moved, Roger Younker seconded the adoption of the nominating report.

8. Remembering Janice Simmonds

Lane MacLaren paid tribute and made remembrance of Janice Simmonds, Board Chair, who passed away on Monday, May 28. He noted that Janice displayed a strong passion for the Charlottetown Experimental Farm property and continued to contribute as board chair during her illness. Mr. MacLaren expressed Janice’s love for the environment which went beyond the farm property, that she truly loved the outdoors, fresh air and open green spaces.

The love Janice showed for nature was very strong, however her love for family and friends was by far her greatest passion. The Simmonds/ MacEachern families have lost a cherished family member. As we move forward together it will be important to remember Janice and draw inspiration from her as we continue in our daily lives. Janice’s dedication, passion and positive attitude will continue to motivate our board members as our work continues”.

Mr. MacLaren then announced that The Friends of the Farm Board have decided to establish “The Janice Simmonds Memorial Award” . This award along with the memorial bench, which will be placed on Confederation Trail on the Farm, are made possible by donations made to the Janice Simmonds Memorial Fund. The award is being designed by Friends of the Farm member and artist, Henry Purdy, and will be presented in the spring 2013. Criteria for the award was circulated and is as follows:


Janice Simmonds Award

An award established by the Friends of the Farm (PEI) Inc. to honour an individual, group, or agency who/which has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island, including but not limited to the land within the City of Charlottetown commonly referred to as “The Experimental Farm”.


To support the work of individuals or groups who are involved in the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island

To recognize outstanding efforts and advocacy which have resulted in the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island

To encourage award recipients and others to continue their efforts to enhance the importance and benefits of public green spaces for the people and the natural environment of Prince Edward Island

Potential Recipients

Individuals or groups who have successfully lobbied or advocated with government bodies for the establishment or preservation of pubic green spaces

Individuals or groups who have raised the public consciousness regarding the importance and value of green spaces through programs or publicity efforts

Individuals or groups who have done research or written documentation related to existing or potential public green spaces and/or to the value and importance of green spaces to the public and to the natural heritage of Prince Edward Island

9. Introduction of Guest Speaker

Kim Devine introduced guest speaker, Catherine Hennessey, who addressed the topic Ravenwood – An Early Estate, A Place in History, A Local Treasure with pictures, much historical information and good wit. Doug MacDonald thanked Ms. Hessessey for sharing her considerable knowledge on the topic. Appreciation was shown.

10. Adjournment

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins

Chair Secretary