Friends of the Farm Board
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
1:15 pm
Present: Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins,, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, Connie MacKay Carr, Jason MacEachern, Laura Lee Howard, Doug MacDonald,
Regrets: Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier,
- Call to order
Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Lane MacLaren introduced Megan Harris who is the newly appointed executive director of Island Nature Trust. She was informed about the purpose of the Friends of the Farm. Thanks was expressed for the support of Island nature Trust for the Friends of the Farm.
2. Approval of Agenda
Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded, the approval of the agenda with eh addition of Ravenwood. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes of June 9, 2015
Libby Martin moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the minutes of June 9, 2015. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,2044.44.
The development of a brochure was discussed. It was decided that this be deferred until late fall or early winter.
- Business arising from Minutes
– Kite Day – Laura Lee Howard led the discussion for the planning for Kite Day. It was decided that it be October 3 or 4 with the date to be confirmed with the Farm Centre. Laura Lee has been in touch with Wayne Levy of the Research Station.
– Connie MacKay Carr has purchased 40 kites. She agreed to purchase more.
– It was agreed that Sobey’s and the City contacted/.
– There will be kite making and face painting.
– Beamish apples
– An ad in the Buzz and the Guardian
– Nora Jenkins to send letter to the Friends membership.
– Gardens- Lane MacLaren reported that the Crown Garden looks good. He also reported that he has contacted Dean Worth with the City who informed him that the concrete pad would be removed by late fall. The Friends will then need to landscape the space left by then slab. It was suggested that a tree such as a maple be planted.
– Ravenwood – Catherine Hennessey informed that she has been in touch with Josh Silver of Holland College who is interested in doing an evaluation of Ravenwood and the cereal barn. Catherine is to pursue this with him.
– Mark Cullen – It was agreed that Mark Cullen be invited to come to PEI for a speaking engagement. It would be separate from the annual meeting. Roger Younker will continue to work on this.
– Annual Meeting
– Suggested Date is November 3, 2015
– Place – Farm Centre
– Speaker – Jackie Waddell (Lane MacLaren to invite)
– Janice Simmonds Award – Jackie Waddell in recognition of her work with Island Nature Trust.
– Nominations – Lane MacLaren will step aside as chair. Doug MacDonald – vice chair was asked to assume chair. Connie MacKay Carr was given two names as suggestions for new Board members. Nora Jenkins was given a suggestion for vice chair.
– Publicity – Laura Lee Howard will include the annual meeting in the ads for the Buzz and the Guardian. Nora Jenkins will do a letter to members.
7. New Business
- Change in Management at Research Station – Lane MacLaren informed that Gail Arsenault will retire and was replaced by Shirley Jacko on September 3. 902 370 – 1419. Lane thanked and congratulated Gail Arsenault and it was agreed that card would be sent by Nora Jenkins on behalf of the Friends.
- Federal Election Candidates – It was discussed whether to send questions to candidates in the current election. It was decided not to do so but instead to wait until following the election.
8. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 6 , 2015, at 1:15 pm.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary
Friends of the Farm Friends of the Farm