Friends of the Farm Board
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
1:15 pm
Present: Doug MacDonald, Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Jason MacEachern, Sylvia Poirier, Laura Lee Howard, Libby Martin
Regrets: Roger Younker, Connie MacKay Carr, Lane MacLaren
- Call to order
Vice Chair, Doug MacDonald called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Approval of Agenda
Sylvia Poirier moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded, the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2015
Jason MacEachern moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded, the approval of the minutes of April 14, 2015. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $5,620.96 with $ 281.26 from 2014 to be deposited.
- Business arising from Minutes
- Meeting with the Mayor – Nora Jenkins and Doug MacDonald reported that they, along with Lane MacLaren had met with the Mayor. They reported that the Mayor expressed that the proposal to Hon Gail Shea and the federal government will not proceed without the support of the Confederacy. The Mayor stressed the importance of continuing to lobby federal and provincial politicians and of continuing public awareness. Friends to keep doing what we are doing as without Friends work we would not be as far as we are now. Friends should talk to MP Gail Shea’s office and unless we have an MP on the government side, much change isn’t likely.
He suggested we should get a commitment in writing from MP Sean Casey, as he represents the local riding and it appears now as if he will after the next election. We should write posing a question of his support to which he would have to reply in writing.We should talk to as many local MLAs as possible to bring them up to date and seek their support. Then we should talk to local provincial cabinet ministers. Then we should follow that up with a meeting with the Premier to gain provincial support.
- Meeting with Hon Gail Shea office. Sylvia Poirier will arrange for this meeting,
- Website – Nora Jenkins informed that she had not received a response from Josh Weale whether he would continue as a Board member and whether he could help with the website.
- Clean up the Farm Day – May 23, 2015
Sylvia Poirier distributed letters to be taken to businesses.
Laura Lee Howard offered to put the letter in neighbours mailboxes.
Laura Lee will call into CBC community line and she will contact CBC.
Lane MacLaren is to contact the Research Station.
Nora Jenkins will request for an email to the membership.
SubWay and Mary Brown’s Chicken – Nora Jenkins
Burger King – Doug MacDonald
MacDonald’s – Doug MacDonald
KFC – Doug MacDonald
RCMP – Jason MacEachern
CBC – Laura Lee Howard
Indigo – Catherine Hennessey
Farmer’s Market – Nora Jenkins
Superstore – Nora Jenkins
Farm Centre – Nora Jenkins
Tim Horton’s – Gertie Purdy and Laura Lee Howard
- Kite Day – Kite Day will be in October. Laura Lee Howard will look for the Dollar Store Kites. She asked that others be on the look out for these kites.
7. New Business
- Legacy Garden Letter – Nora Jenkins reported sending a letter to Charlottetown Royalty Rotary Club in support of the Legacy Garden. The Club is considering support for the Legacy garden.
- Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald informed that Van Kampen will again supply the plants , 133 dozen, at half price. Planting will take place around June 10 with the help of Ron Richard. It was agreed that Friends Board look after maintenance and a schedule will be made at the June meeting.
- Memorial Garden – Libby Martin has checked on the Garden and will continue to do so.
8. Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is June 9, 2015 at 1:15 pm.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary
Friends of the Farm Friends of the Farm