22 Brittany Drive, Charlottetown
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
12 noon
Present: Ken MacDonald, Gertie Purdy, Libby Martin, Connie MacKay Carr, Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald, Nora Jenkins,Catherine Hennessey, Sylvia Poirier,Bert Christie.
Regrets: Kim Devine, Roger Younker.
1. Call to Order
Lane MacLaren, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order. Lane spoke with respect of the passing of the Friends of the Farm Board Chair, Janice Simmonds.
Lane welcomed Bert Christie, past Board member, to the meeting. Lane thanked Nora Jenkins for hosting the meeting and for arranging lunch.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Ken MacDonald moved, Doug MacDonald seconded, the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of the minutes of May 8, 2012
Ken MacDonald moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of May 8, 2012. Motion carried.
4. Financial report
Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $3,414.44. She reported a deposit made of $2580.00 from Memorials made in the name of Janice Simmonds.
She noted that the Friends need one more signing authority.
Catherine Hennessey moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded that Doug MacDonald be authorized to sign cheques for the Friends of the Farm. Motion carried.
5. Business from previous meeting
· Premier’s Grove – Lane MacLaren agreed to contact Senator Callbeck to have her tree planted. Doug MacDonald will check the health of the four trees. Nora Jenkins will arrange for a replacement of a tree if needed. Connie MacKay Carr will arrange for plaques for the trees. It was suggested that there be a map of the trees planted.
· “Crown” Garden – Doug MacDonald reported that 132 dozen plants have arrived from Van Kampen’s who have supplied the plants at half price once again. Planting will take place next week. Nora Jenkins agreed to arrange for a Guardian picture once the plants are established. Doug was thanked for his work on the Crown garden.
· Rhododendron Garden – Ken MacDonald will arrange for two rhododendrons to be planted. Thanks were expressed to Ken MacDonald for his donation of these plants.
· Kevin Garvey Presentation – It was agreed that this was a well received presentation that was well attended. Connie MacKay Carr moved, Libby Martin seconded that the Friends of the Farm purchase the DVD that has been prepared by Mr. Garvey on the history of Apple Orchards on PEI. Motion carried. Nora Jenkins agreed to contact Mr. Garvey regarding the purchase.
6. New Business
· Acting Chair – It was agreed that Lane MacLaren, Vice Chair, carry out the Chair duties until the annual meeting.
· Annual Meeting – It was agreed to set the date later. It was agreed that thought be given to a guest speaker. A suggestion was the history of Ravenwood before the Experimental Farm. Nora Jenkins agreed to contact Ed MacDonald re this topic.
· Memorials – It was agreed that receipts be written. Gertie Purdy, Connie MacKay Carr and Sylvia Poirier would look after this task. A thank you letter would be prepared and Nora Jenkins would organize and carry out the mailing to who made donations to the Friends of the Farm in Janice Simmonds memory.
· Letter to the Simmonds family – It was agreed that a thank you letter be written to the Simmonds Family for designating the Memorials to the Friends of the Farm.
· Plan for the Memorial Fund – It was agreed that the memorial donations be placed in a separate bank account. It was agreed that the Simmonds family be kept informed. It was agreed that decisions regarding the memorial funs not be rushed and choose the possible date of one year anniversary. It was agreed that discussion of ideas take place with Dr Rodriguez, Director of the Research Station. Lane MacLaren and Connie MacKay Carr will arrange a meeting with her.
Several suggestions were made – Iron gateway, gazebo by the lily pond, apple orchard, an annual award in Janice Simmond’s name to recognize someone who advocates for green space and the environment. The award could be made at the annual meeting and a fitting first recipient could be Lloyd MacLeod.
It was agreed to spend some time in thought and discuss at future meetings.
· Charitable Status – It was agreed that gaining charitable status is very long and involved and has been discussed in the past. It was agreed to leave status as is and donors notified in the letter.
· Website – It was agreed that Connie MacKay Carr place items on the website. Members are to send articles to her.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
7. Adjournment and date of next meeting.