Friends of the Farm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
1:15 pm
Ravenwood Boardroom
Present: Ken MacDonald, Connie MacKay-Carr, Lane MacLaren, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Gertie Purdy, Roger Younker, Catherine Hennessey,Laura Lea Howard, Kim Devine.
Regrets: Doug MacDonald
1. Call to Order
Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
2. Guest Presentation
Lane MacLaren welcomed Adam MacLean who gave an informational presentation about The legacy Garden Project located behind the Farm Centre on University Avenue.
He explained how the Farm Centre felt it was not fully utilizing the space where it is located. After considerable negotiation and work with Ag Canada a 5 year lease on 8 1/2 acres was sign. Ground will break in April for community gardens, orchards and the planting of heritage grains. Adam explained the community connect with volunteers and gardeners and of the educational opportunities. He explained that a goal is best practises.
It was agreed that this is an exciting project on the corner of the Farm and gives good exposure to the Farm. It demonstrates the possibilities. Adam was thanked and wished well.
3. Approval of the Agenda
Kim Devine moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of minutes of January 14, 2014
Laura Lee Howard moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded the approval of the minutes of January 14,2014. Motion carried.
4. Financial Report
Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $5,040.58.
5. Membership Report
Membership Chair, Gertie Purdy reported $537.00 in membership dues, a result of the membership letter sent at the end of January.
6. Business arising from Previous minutes
• Home for Janice Simmonds Award – Nora Jenkins and Roger Younker informed that the Janice Simmonds Award is permanently placed in an attractive cabinet at the Farm Centre. Nora Jenkins will send a letter to John Jamieson of the PEI Federation of Agriculture to thank for the use of the cabinet.
Lane MacLaren plans to contact the Guardian with the hope of having a story written about the Award.
• Soaring to New Heights –Laura Lee Howard reported $1600.00 received from 2014 Fund for our 2014 project. The committee will meet to pick a date in October and make plans.
• Governor General Tree Planting – Lane reported that a letter has been sent to Govenor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on one of his visits to PEI this year.
Permission has been received from Ag Canada for the planting and Friends of the farm would supply the tree.
7. New Business
• It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm would have a spring clean up. This will be on the agenda for next meeting.
8. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is Monday March 24, 2014 at 1:15 p.m.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary