Greetings to Friends of the Farm – 2019


The Board of the Friends of the Farm continues to meet and to advocate for the lands of the Experimental Farm to remain green and for all to enjoy.  The Board has met this winter with the manager of the Farm and with the Mayor of the City of Charlottetown, Philip Brown.

It was the wish of the membership at the annual meeting in November that the Friends of the Farm continue to plant and maintain the Crown Garden on the Farm property.  This is with the agreement of Ag Canada and with the assistance of the staff of the Research Station on the Farm.

The Friends of the Farm supply the plants which the Board works hard to find the best possible price.  It is costly with the bill amounting to $900.00 for the plants. The plants are selected according to the pattern for the crown.  The planting is done by staff and the maintenance during the summer by Board members.

In order to continue with this project the Friends of the Farm requires donations.  Some members at the meeting offered to make a donation as they feel strongly that this tradition of the Crown garden should continue.

The Board would appreciate donations from the membership and others at this time so that we can plan to plant this spring.  Thank you.

Donations may be mailed to Friends of the Farm, PO Box 265, Stn Central, Charlottetown, C1A 7K4 or please contact any Board member.  Thank you!

The Board 2019:

Nora Jenkins, Chair;
Libby Martin, Secretary,
Connie MacKay-Carr, Treasurer,
Sharon Larter,
Valerie Beer,
Linda Thomas,
Catherine Hennesse,
Laura Lee Howard,
Sylvia Poirier,
Gertie Purdy,
Lane MacLaren.