Friends of the Farm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
2 pm
Present: Ken MacDonald, Doug MacDonald, Connie MacKay Carr, Lane MacLaren, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Gertie Purdy, Roger Younker, Catherine Hennessey.
Regrets: Laura Lea Howard, Kim Devine
1. Call to Order
Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Ken MacDonald moved, Connie MacKay Carr seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of minutes of October 8, 2013
Libby Martin moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of October 8, 2013. Motion carried.
4. Financial Report
Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $5,025.00. She reported that she had delivered the gift of a centerpiece to Barb MacDonald, Island Nature Trust, to thank her for her assistance throughout the year.
5. Membership Report
Membership Chair, Gertie Purdy reported 360 on the membership roll.
Connie MacKay Carr moved, Gertie Purdy seconded that Julie Harris be made an honorary member of the Friends of the Farm. Motion carried. This recognition is in appreciation for her support in early years by sharing her knowledge about the Farm. It was agreed that a letter be sent to her and Nora Jenkins agreed to look after this.
6. Business arising from Previous minutes
· Review of annual meeting – It was agreed that it was a good meeting with a good turn out and that the guest speaker, Bert Christie was very enjoyable.
· Home for Janice Simmonds Award – It was agreed that the Farm Centre is the best place to place the award. Roger Younker will continue to work on trying to make this happen. It was agreed that once this was decided then there needs to be a plague placed permanently with the information and also that this information be displayed.
· Soaring to New Heights – Lane MacLaren informed on behalf of Laura Lee Howard that the agreement for the project is ready to be signed by Wayne Riley, Ag Canada, Friends and 2014 Celebration representative.
7. New Business
· Adam MacLean – Community Orchard – It was agreed that Adam MacLean be invited to the next Friends of the Farm meeting to update the Friends on his activities and in particular the Community Orchard.
· Governor General Tree Planting – Sylvia Poirier agreed to find out who could be contacted and the process for an invitation for the Governor General to plant a tree.
· Meeting with Hon Gail Shea – It was agreed that the Friends meet with the Hon. Gail Shea to continue the lobby of the Federal Government to keep the Experimental Farm green. The date of the meeting is to be set.
8. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 1:15 p.m.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary