January Minutes


Friends of the Farm Board Meeting

Ravenwood Board Room

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

12 noon


Present: Libby Martin, Connie MacKay Carr, Doug MacDonald, Bert Christie, Janice Simmonds and Nora Jenkins, Catherine Hennessey, Ken MacDonald, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier, Lane MacLaren


Regrets: Kim Devine


  1. Call to Order

Chair Janice Simmonds called the meeting to order.


  1. Approval of the Agenda

Ken MacDonald moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the agenda with the addition of Urban Conference to Business Arising.  Motion carried.


  1. Approval of the minutes of October 11, 2011 meeting

Libby Martin moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting on September 13, 2011.  Motion carried.


  1. Financial report

Nora Jenkins reported that the bank balance is $3,156.83.

She reported that a change in signing authority is being made with the Royal Bank of Canada.  Lane MacLaren, Janice Simmonds and Nora Jenkins will now be the signing authority with two of three being required for any transaction.  This had been approved on December 14, 2011.


  1. Membership Report

Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, reported good results from the mail out for the annual meeting.  She informed that there are 334 members with 140 not yet renewed.  It was agreed that Gertie Purdy and Janice Simmonds would have a reminder letter sent to those who have not renewed.


  1. Business from previous meeting
  • Trees, Gardens & Rhododendrons – Janice Simmonds reported that all had gone well with the tree planting and that former premier Catherine Callbeck will plant in the spring. The rhododendron has not been planted and is in the care of Ken MacDonald.
  • Website

Connie MacKay Carr reported that she and Doug MacDonald have the instructions for uploading to the site. She asked for ideas of things that could be included on the site.  It was agreed that the history of the Farm should be included.

  • Annual Meeting

Lane MacLaren reported that the annual meeting went very well with a positive response to the guest speaker, Kirsten Connor, Upton Farm Trust. It was agreed that it is important to foster a good relationship with the Upton Farm Board.


  1. New Business
  • Meeting with Mayor Clifford Lee

Nora Jenkins informed that she and Roger Younker had spoken with Mayor Lee and that he informed that he is pursuing with the Federal Government the idea of turning the Experimental Farm over to the City to commemorate the anniversary of the 1864 meetings held in Charlottetown. He explained the difficulty in getting this request heard in Ottawa.  It was agreed that Nora Jenkins write a letter to Mayor Lee expressing the support of the Friends of the Farm in this Endeavour and asking how the Board might assist. It was agreed that the Mayor be invited to the next meeting of the Friends of the farm Board on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

Sylvia Poirier reported that she has spoken with Phillip Brown, assistant to MP Gail Shea and also with Gail Shea to familiarize them with the Friends of the Farm and to request their support if there is any activity regarding the Farm by the Federal Government.


  1. Adjournment and date of next meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, February 14, 12 noon.







Janice SimmondsNora Jenkins


Friends of the Farm Board Meeting

Ravenwood Board Room

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

12 noon


Present: Libby Martin, Connie MacKay Carr, Doug MacDonald, Bert Christie, Janice Simmonds and Nora Jenkins, Catherine Hennessey, Ken MacDonald, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier, Lane MacLaren


Regrets: Kim Devine


  1. Call to Order

Chair Janice Simmonds called the meeting to order.


  1. Approval of the Agenda

Ken MacDonald moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the agenda with the addition of Urban Conference to Business Arising.  Motion carried.


  1. Approval of the minutes of October 11, 2011 meeting

Libby Martin moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting on September 13, 2011.  Motion carried.


  1. Financial report

Nora Jenkins reported that the bank balance is $3,156.83.

She reported that a change in signing authority is being made with the Royal Bank of Canada.  Lane MacLaren, Janice Simmonds and Nora Jenkins will now be the signing authority with two of three being required for any transaction.  This had been approved on December 14, 2011.


  1. Membership Report

Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, reported good results from the mail out for the annual meeting.  She informed that there are 334 members with 140 not yet renewed.  It was agreed that Gertie Purdy and Janice Simmonds would have a reminder letter sent to those who have not renewed.


  1. Business from previous meeting
  • Trees, Gardens & Rhododendrons – Janice Simmonds reported that all had gone well with the tree planting and that former premier Catherine Callbeck will plant in the spring. The rhododendron has not been planted and is in the care of Ken MacDonald.
  • Website

Connie MacKay Carr reported that she and Doug MacDonald have the instructions for uploading to the site. She asked for ideas of things that could be included on the site.  It was agreed that the history of the Farm should be included.

  • Annual Meeting

Lane MacLaren reported that the annual meeting went very well with a positive response to the guest speaker, Kirsten Connor, Upton Farm Trust. It was agreed that it is important to foster a good relationship with the Upton Farm Board.


  1. New Business
  • Meeting with Mayor Clifford Lee

Nora Jenkins informed that she and Roger Younker had spoken with Mayor Lee and that he informed that he is pursuing with the Federal Government the idea of turning the Experimental Farm over to the City to commemorate the anniversary of the 1864 meetings held in Charlottetown. He explained the difficulty in getting this request heard in Ottawa.  It was agreed that Nora Jenkins write a letter to Mayor Lee expressing the support of the Friends of the Farm in this Endeavour and asking how the Board might assist. It was agreed that the Mayor be invited to the next meeting of the Friends of the farm Board on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

Sylvia Poirier reported that she has spoken with Phillip Brown, assistant to MP Gail Shea and also with Gail Shea to familiarize them with the Friends of the Farm and to request their support if there is any activity regarding the Farm by the Federal Government.


  1. Adjournment and date of next meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, February 14, 12 noon.







Janice SimmondsNora Jenkins
