October 14, 2014 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier, Lane MacLaren,Roger Younker

Regrets: Connie MacKay Carr,

1.Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

2.Approval of the Agenda

Sylvia Poirier moved, Roger Younker seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

3.Approval of minutes of September 9, 2014

Doug MacDonald moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the minutes of  September 9, 2014 with the change of meeting date from October 15 to October 14. Motion carried.

4.Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $6,598.91. Several bills from Soaring to new Heights are expected and Laura Lee Howard will provide an accounting of that project.

The financial review of the year is completed by Arsenault Best Cameron Ellis and will be presented at the annual meeting. The firm was thanked with a flower arrangement.

A donation of $1,000.00 was received from Kali Simmonds.

It was agreed that these funds be designated for an annual Kite Day.

5. Business arising from Previous minutes

  • Soaring to New Heights –  Everyone agreed that this was a very successful event enjoyed by all ages and with a good turn out.  Laura Lee Howard reported on the event.  She also had the Board’s help completing the report to 2014.  The following are comments collected.

–      Arrange logistics for emcee of the day

–      Dollar Store Kites a good idea and are a must. They were enhanced by adding to their tails.

–      Basket of apples a good idea. Cookies not really needed and jug and one half of lemonade used. Treats were appropriate for the day.

–      2 – 4 pm  good time and is a good idea to have set time

–      avoid Run for the Cure day

–      Money was saved because Insurance came under the Farm

–      Preserve table added to the day

–      Kite making popular and enjoyable.

–      Multi cultural aspect very positive

–      Great poster

–      Great promotion in media

–      Perfect venue outside and inside

–      Good PR for the Friends

–      Heightened the awareness of the beauty of the Farm and its potential as a recreation space.

–      Signage at all the entrances to the Farm

–  Pictures from Louise Vessey can be used.

–      Thanks to Henry and Gertie Purdy for their pictures.

It was agreed that this was a great event, aided by the weather.  We would need to build on this good base another time.

It was agreed that the event should be repeated.  It was agreed that the $1,000.00 donation be designated for Kite Day.

  • Crown Garden Wrap up.  Thank you to Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald for their clean up of the Royal garden.
  • Annual Meeting –

–      Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 7 pm at the Farm Centre  with a rental fee of $100.00

–      The guest speaker is Gary Schneider and his topic “How to fall in Love With a Forest”.  He will be introduced by Sylvia Poirier and thanked by Doug MacDonald.  He will receive a restaurant gift certificate.

–      Two nominations are needed for the Board.  Josh Weale has agreed.  Lane MacLaren will ask Beth Hoar. Roger Younker is to present to Nominating report.

–      Letters have been sent to the membership.  Lane McLaren is preparing a note for community notices.

–      Doug MacDonald will take photos at the meeting to accompany a press release to the Guardian.

–      Gary Schneider will receive the Janice Simmonds Award which will be presented by Percy Simmonds.


6. Legacy project

  • It was agreed that we need to broaden the base of the Friends of the Farm and strengthen relationships. This is to be on the next Board meeting at which time groups will be identified.
  • It was agreed that Chair Lane MacLaren would include in his report to the annual meeting, information about the activity of the Board of the Friends of the Farm and the preparation of  2014 legacy request.  Lane will prepare and will have the help of Sylvia Poirier and Doug MacDonald.


7.       Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary