Friends of the Farm Board Meeting
Ravenwood Boardroom
Thursday, September 13, 2012
1 pm
Present: Sylvia Poirier, Catherine Hennessey, Doug MacDonald, Connie MacKay- Carr, Libby Martin, Kim Devine, Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren
Regrets: Gertie Purdy, Roger Younker
1. Call to Order
Lane MacLaren, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Connie MacKay- Carr moved, Kim Devine seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of the minutes of June 12, 2012
Libby Martin moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of June 12, 2012. Motion carried.
4. Financial report
Nora Jenkins reported that the Friends of the Farm has a balance of $6,379.55 of which is $3790.00 the Janice Simmonds Memorial.
5. Business from previous meeting
· Premier’s Grove – Connie MacKay- Carr showed the plaques that were made for each of the Premiers trees which she will have installed. All trees are reported to be healthy.
· “Crown” Garden – Grew well all summer and was enjoyed.
· Annual Meeting – The date of November 5, 6 are suggested dates at the Farm Centre. Various ideas were discussed for guest speaker and Catherine Hennessey and Kim Devine will check some possibilities.
Nominations were discussed and it was agreed that Laura Lee Howard and Josh Weale would be asked to join the Board. Lane MacLaren agreed to serve as Chair and Doug Mad Donald will serve as Vice Chair.
· Report on the Memorial Fund – Nora Jenkins reported that thank you notes and receipts were mailed to one hundred donors and thanks for help doing this was expressed. It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm establish the Janice Simmonds Award to recognize a person who has advocated for the preservation of the Farm or other green space. It was agreed that Libby Martin would write criteria for the award. Nora Jenkins agreed to contact Henry Purdy to consider designing a lasting plaque. It was agreed that the first award would be given at the annual meeting.
· Planning for the Memorial Fund – Various ideas were discussed including a gazebo or bench by the lily pond, an apple orchard. It was also suggested that things could change for the Farm and the Friends might wish to take some time deciding. It is understood that the MacEachern family wishes to plant a magnolia grove. This will be discussed with Dr Rodriguez and Gail Arsenault from the Research Station and will make arrangements for the family to make this memorial. Lane MacLaren will arrange for a meeting with Dr Rodriguez
· Website – Connie MacKay- Carr appreciates items being sent to her to upload to the website. Connie informs us that Alex Price who set up the site and helped considerably has moved to Edmonton. Nora Jenkins will write a note to thank her and to wish her well.
6. New Business
Catherine Hennessey suggested that the Friends of the Farm consider how they might commemorate the 2014 anniversary and that an application be made for funding.
7. Adjournment and date of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at Ravenwood.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Acting Chair Secretary – Treasurer