Friends of the Farm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
1:15 pm
Ravenwood Boardroom
Present: Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey.
Regrets: Connie MacKay Carr, Ken MacDonald, Roger Younker, Kim Devine, Gertie Purdy.
- Call to Order
Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
- Approval of the Agenda
Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approval of minutes of April 22, 2014
Amendment to first item under Business Arising to read, “Cookies, Kites, and Connections”. Libby Martin moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded the approval of the minutes of April 22, 2014. Motion carried.
- Financial Report
Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $7,249.98. This amount includes the Janice MacEachern memorial fund, monies from memberships, and the funds for the 2014 celebration project. An expenditure of $20.00 had been made for the annual registration as a not for profit organization.
- Business arising from Previous minutes
- Soaring to New Heights – Laura Lee Howard reported that the committee met with Yvette Doucette from the Newcomers Association. There will be a meeting next Tuesday with people from the Association who are interested to talk about aspects of the project. Laura Lee will check with airport personnel to see if the kites would be considered any risk to airplanes.
- Governor General Tree Planting – Lane MacLaren reported that there has still not been a response to the letter sent to Governor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on his visit to PEI.
- Clean Up the Farm Day – The Clean Up day was deemed a great success despite the weather. It was agreed that the suggestion that Board members do an additional half day to clean up the hedge/tree line would not be done this year but that this would be an area to concentrate on for next year. An initiative is to be undertaken to build awareness and solicit help for future clean-ups from the businesses along University Ave. that contribute much of the garbage that ends up on the farm property. Laura Lee Howard will draft a letter to seek their partnership and participation in next year’s Clean Up the Farm Day.
- Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald reported that Van Kampen’s Greenhouses will again supply 1600 plants at half price and that the Crown Garden will be planted on June 10. The schedule for weeding the garden for the summer will be set at the next meeting.
- 2014 Legacy Project – Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald met with the Mayor of Charlottetown, Clifford Lee regarding the status of the Experimental Farm property. A meeting with Philip Brown from Gail Shea’s office was set up for next week.
7. New Business
- Memorial Bench – The bench was placed in the wrong spot initially but has since been moved to the correct one. Nora Jenkins will contact the City about getting the graffiti on the garbage can near the bench cleaned up.
8. Guest – MP Sean Casey
At the end of regular business, at the invitation of the Board, the Member of Parliament for Charlottetown, Sean Casey, arrived and was briefed on the goals and objectives, history, and past and current initiatives of the Friends of the Farm. There was a good exchange of information and support expressed by Mr. Casey for the Friends’ goals.
- Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 1:15 pm.
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary