June Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board Meeting

Tuesday, June , 2014

1:15 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom

Present: Lane MacLaren, Doug MacDonald, Laura Lea Howard, Nora Jenkins, Libby Martin, Catherine Hennessey, Connie MacKay Carr,Roger Younker

Regrets: Ken MacDonald, Kim Devine, Gertie Purdy, Sylvia Poirier

1.Call to Order

Chair Lane MacLaren welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

2.Approval of the Agenda

Roger Younker moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the agenda.  Motion carried.

3.Approval of minutes of  May 20, 2014

Laura Lee Howard moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of May 20 2014. Motion carried.

4.Financial Report

Treasurer Nora Jenkins reported a bank account of $7,136.87. A bill to be paid of $604.96 for plants for the Royal Crown  and a bill for $100.00 for kites for Soaring to New Heights.  Nora will arrange for a Financial review for the year ending March 30, 2014.

5.Business arising from Previous minutes

  • Soaring to New Heights – Laura Lee Howard reported that she and Connie MacKay Carr met with members of the Newcomers Association to talk about aspects of the project. Laura Lee informed  airport personnel about the event. The committee suggests that the date be moved to early October rather than late.  This will be confirmed.
  • Governor General Tree Planting – Lane MacLaren reported that there has still not been a response to the letter sent to Governor General David Johnston requesting that he plant a tree in the Royal Forest on his visit to PEI.
  • Clean Up the Farm Day – Laura Lee Howard presented a draft of a letter that could be sent to surrounding businesses to seek partnership and participation for next year’s Clean Up The Farm Day. This was put on file.
  • Crown Garden – Doug MacDonald reported that Van Kampen’s Greenhouses delivered the plants to the Farm.  The crown will be planted in the next week.  Van Kampen supplied the plants at the same cost as previous years.  It was agreed that Nora Jenkins send a letter of thanks to Van Kampen Nursery.

It was agreed that thanks be expressed to Ron Richard for his                   looking after the plants and the planting.  Nora Jenkins agreed to      look after this with a gift certificate for $50.00 from Top of the                  Park.

Schedule of Crown maintenance

July 1 – 15            Nora Jenkins

July 16- 31            Lane McLaren

August 1- 15         Laura Lee Howard

August 16- 31       Connie MacKay Carr

September 1 -15   Roger Younker

Chair Lane MacLaren expressed thanks to Doug MacDonald for     his work on organizing the planting of the Royal Garden

  • Memorial Bench – Nora Jenkins will contact the City again about getting the graffiti on the garbage can near the bench cleaned up. It was agreed that the perennials are filling in the garden and there is not a need to plants annuals.

.  Meeting with Sean Casey M.P. – It was agreed that this was a beneficial meeting with a good exchange of information.


7. New Business

  •  Meeting with Philip Brown – The Board met with Philip Brown of Hon Gail Shea’s office on Thursday, May 29. It was a  meeting with a good exchange of information.  The Board learned that the current proposal that is in the hands of the Federal Government is not moving past Treasury Board. The Farm will remain in the hands of Ag Canada at present, however he recommended that the Friends remain vigilant in their goal and work. There was considerable discussion at that meeting about the condition of Ravenwood and the Cereal Barn. Mr Brown agreed to take this concern forward.                             Lane MacLaren will write a letter to Hon Shea expressing the concern of the Friends of the Farm for Ravenhood House and the Cereal Barn emphasizing the beauty of the setting in which it sits. The letter will ask for help how we might move the restoration of Ravenwood ahead. The letter will also express appreciation for the meeting with Mr. Brown. It was suggested that Holland College students use Ravenwood as a class project as an example of a heritage house and the work that needs to be done. Catherine Hennessey agreed to speak with the instructor of the class. While it was agreed that Ravenwood and the Cereal Barn are a concern for the Board, it was also agreed that the focus remains the land with the goal to be preserved as green for all to enjoy. It was agreed that Dr Maria Rodriguezj be informed of  any work/progress in this area.
  • Annual meeting – It was agreed that the annul meeting be late fall.  It was also agreed that we provide an educational speaker and all are to work on ideas of who this might be. A suggestion was Eliot Coleman on the topic of Urbanization of Gardening.


  1. Adjournment and Date and Time of next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 1:15 pm.






Lane MacLaren                                           Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                          Secretary