Friends of the Farm
Board meeting
1 pm
Friday, February 15, 2013
Ravenwood Boardroom
Present: Laura Lee Howard, Connie MacKay Carr, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, and Doug MacDonald.
Regrets: Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren, Sylvia Poitier, Kim Devine, Ken MacDonald
- Call to Order
Acting Chair, Doug MacDonald called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.
2. Approval of the agenda
Roger Younker moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of the minutes of January 16, 2013
An amendment to the minutes was put forward. Libby Martin moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the minutes of January 16, 2013 as revised. Motion carried.
4. Financial Report
No report was presented due to the absence of Nora Jenkins.
5. Business Arising from Minutes of January 16, 2013
- Membership
Gertie Purdy reported that a letter was sent to the membership requesting renewal and including an update on activities. To date about $500 worth of membership dues have been received. Gertie and Laura Lee Howard will have a display at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday in an effort to recruit new members and collect renewals.
- Janice Simmonds Award
Roger Younker visited Joe MacAskill to discuss the construction of the award designed by Henry Purdy. The base will be raised one inch in order to include the phrase “Friends of the Farm”. The carved award should be ready by late April or early May. It was decided that the individual receiving the award will be given a framed citation to keep. Roger Younker and Nora Jenkins will do up an example of what the citation could look like for review by the Board.
- 2014
Laura Lee Howard contacted Wayne Riley of the Research Station to discuss ideas and a possible application for a 2014 Grant but has not had any reply as yet.
- New Business
- Meeting with Hon. Gail Shea
Doug MacDonald, Sylvia Poirier and Lane MacLaren attended a meeting with Minister Shea regarding the future of the Farm and ideas for 2014 celebrations. There was a considerable and good discussion.
- Adjournment and date of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
The date of the next meeting is Monday, March 25 at 1 15 pm at Ravenwood.
___________________________ _____________________
Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins
Chair Secretary