January 16, 2013 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board meeting

1 pm

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ravenwood Small Boardroom


Present:   Laura Lee Howard, Connie MacKay Carr, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Sylvia Poitier, Roger Younker, Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald.

Regrets:   Kim Devine, Ken MacDonald

  1. Call to Order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.


  1. Approval of the agenda

Sylvia Poitier moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded the approval of the agenda with the addition of the approval of the minutes of October 9, 2012. Motion carried.


3.      Approval of the minutes of October 9, 2012

Libby Martin moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded the approval of the   minutes of October 9, 2012. Motion carried.


4.      Financial Report

Nora Jenkins reported that the bank balance as of December 7, 2012 is $5,583.92. Of that $3,090.00 is the Janice Simmonds Memorial.  Further bills to be paid are $78.75 for rental of the Farm Centre for Friends of the Farm annual meeting and $173.40 for office expenses for 2012.


  1. Membership

Gertie Purdy reported a few memberships have been renewed for 2013.  She suggested that a letter be sent to the membership requesting renewal and also updating members.  Nora Jenkins agreed to assist with the letter.










6.      Business Arising from Minutes of October 9, 2012

  • Janice Simmonds Award

Roger Younker moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded that Friends of the Farm accept the proposed award designed by Henry Purdy and to be constructed by MacAskills, at an estimated cost of $452.92, to be the Janice Simmonds Memorial Award.

It was agreed that the award would be displayed in a prominent place, likely Ravenwood.  The description would be attached and displayed and be visible. It was also agreed that the name “Friends of the Farm” be visible.

The time for presentation would be spring and the date will be picked at the February meeting.

Two ideas were presented to be the small gift which would be given to the recipient.  One could be a picture of the award and the criteria which would be mounted. The second a framed picture of Ravenwood done by Clair Perry.

It was agreed that the decision would be made at the February meeting.

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the criteria of the Janice Simmonds award which were circulated in November.  Motion carried.

Nora Jenkins agreed to investigate the cost and doing of the first suggestion.


  • Memorial Bench

The Memorial Bench has been bought and will be installed in the spring. It was agreed that there would be planting around the bench and this will be arranged with Nancy McMinn of Parks with the City.


  • Website update

Connie MacKay Carr  informed that she welcomes any information for the website.


  • 2014

Doug MacDonald informed and circulated information regarding a 2014 Farm Centre proposal.

Doug will send a letter of support from the Friends of the Farm to the Farm Centre.

Ideas were discussed regarding a 2014 project for the Friends of the Farm, the goal being to create activity on the Farm, possibly a Kite Flying Day.

Laura Lee Howard agreed to contact Wayne Riley with the Research station to discuss ideas and a possible application for a  2014 Grant.  She will bring information to the February meeting.







  1. New Business
  • Report of meeting with Gayle Arsenault

Lane MacLaren reported on a meeting with Dr Maria Rodriguez, Gayle Arensault, Wayne Riley, Doug MacDonald and himself.

In the meeting Dr Rodriguez expressed support for the Friends of the Farm initiatives.  She reinforced that the Farm is a worksite and also that all concerns should be brought to Gayle Arensault or herself.

She informed that there is a two year lease with the Coast Guard for a building on the property and that there will be a fence around the building.

It was agreed that the Farm staff would continue to plant the Royal       Crown and the Friends of the Farm maintain.

It was agreed that it was a positive meeting.




  1. Adjournment and date of next meeting


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Monday, February 4 at 1 15 pm at Ravenwood.





___________________________                                   _____________________


Lane MacLaren                                                                    Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                                      Secretary