May 30, 2013 Minutes


Friends of the Farm Board meeting

Monday, May 30, 2013 4 pm

Ravenwood Boardroom


Present:     Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Gertie Purdy, Ken MacDonald, Doug MacDonald, Kim Devine, Catherine Hennessey, Connie Mackay Carr, Roger Younker,

Regrets:    Laura Lee Howard, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin,


  1. Call to Order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order.


2.Approval of the agenda

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.


3.      Approval of minutes of May 6, 2013

Roger Younker moved, Ken MacDonald  seconded the approval of the minutes of May 6, 2013.  Motion carried.


4.      Financial Report

Nora Jenkins reported a bank balance of $6,261.12.  She reported that the books have been delivered to Doug Ezeard of Arsenault, Cameron, Best and Eillis for the annual financial review.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes of April May 6, 2013
  • Clean Up the Farm Day

Lane MacLaren thanked Nora Jenkins for the idea and to all who came out to help. It was an excellent morning with a good turn out of 30 people. It is hoped that this will be an annual activity.  The hedgerow that runs parallel to University Avenue is filled with garbage and requires a good cleaning with many hands.

  • Memorial Bench

Connie MacKay Carr reported that she and Libby have planted perennials which were obtained from Ken MacDonald.  Bruce Bennett supplied compost and soil. There is a second concrete slab on which the City may place a second bench.  Connie noted that the garbage can could be improved.  Nora Jenkins has let the Simmonds family know of the bench. Pictures may be taken and sent to the family at a later date.

  • Crown Garden

Doug MacDonald reported that Van Kampen’s will supply 1600 plants at the same cost as last year.  Planting will take place after the 8th of June.

The Friends of the farm are responsible to maintain the Royal Crown.  A schedule was set.

June                                        Lane MacLaren

First 2 weeks of July               Connie MacKay Carr

Last 2 weeks of July               Roger Younker

First 2 weeks of August          Ken MacDonald

Last 2 weeks of August          Nora Jenkins

  • Senator Callbeck Tree

Lane MacLaren contacted Senator Catherine Callbeck to arrange for a photo of her tree planting. She is very willing to come to the Farm and Lane will arrange a date.  Lane will check on the tree and Connie will have the sign made.

  • 2014 Celebration

Word has been received that the Friends of the Farm will be a recipient of $2,000.00 from the 2014 Commission for “Soaring to New Heights”.  Laura Lee Howard will chair a subcommittee to plan the event and members of the committee are Connie MacKay Carr and Kim Devine.  Thanks to Laura Lee for this initiative.


  1. New Business
  • Annual Meeting

It was agreed that the annual meeting would be in the fall and that the Board think of guest speakers.


7.     Adjournment and date of next meeting

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The date of the next meeting is at the call of the Chair.





Lane MacLaren                                               Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                               Secretary