Polishing the Jewel

2021 Annual Clean up the Farm day – Everyone welcome

Friends of the Farm will again scour the fields and bushes and the trail that runs through the Experimental Farm on Saturday, May 8, 9 am on their annual Clean up the Farm day. We will gather behind Ravenwood.  

The Farm, 88 acres of splendid greenery, sits in the heart of our Capital City. Friends of the Farm (PEI) Inc, incorporated in 2004, is an association of volunteers concerned about the future use of that land within the City of Charlottetown commonly referred to as “The Experimental Farm”.

The “Friends” wish to see the land preserved as green space with the possible inclusion of such facilities as gardens of different kinds, an arboretum, walks, and agricultural demonstrations, for the use of the general public. 

The Friends invite and welcome anyone interested in becoming a member to join them. Please share our website Friendsofthefarmpei.ca