October 8, 2013 Minutes

Friends of the Farm Board meeting

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ravenwood Boardroom


Present:     Lane MacLaren, Nora Jenkins, Doug MacDonald, Connie Mackay Carr, Laura Lee Howard, Sylvia Poirier, Libby Martin,

Regrets:    Kim Devine, Roger Younker, Gertie Purdy, Ken MacDonald, Catherine Hennessey


1.        Call to Order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order.


2.Approval of the agenda

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.


3.      Approval of minutes of September 10, 2013

Doug MacDonald moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded the approval of the minutes of September 10, 2013.  Motion carried.


   4.      Financial Report

Nora Jenkins reported that $1750.00 of the $3,790.00 in the Janice Simmonds Memorial Fund has been spent.  The current bank balance is $5,083.11.


5.   Business Arising from Minutes

·         Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Farm Centre on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 7 pm.  The guest speaker will Bert Christie who will describe the research work carried out over the 100 year history of the Farm.

Laura Lee Howard will places notices in the Guardian and the Buzz.

Laura Lee will do a picture presentation to be shown as people gather.

Nora Jenkins and Gertie Purdy will send notice of the meeting to members.

The Janice Simmonds award will be presented.  Lane will make the presentation and Henry Purdy is to be asked to describe the design of the award.

Nora Jenkins will invite the Simmonds family to attend and for Percy Simmonds to make the presentation.  Nora Jenkins will invite Lloyd MacLeod’s family to attend and accept the award on his behalf.  Nora will also invite the MacEachern family.

Lane will introduce the guest speaker, Bert Christie and Nora Jenkins will thank Bert and also Henry Purdy for his considerable help with the Janice Simmonds Memorial.

Roger Younker to have the Award ready for presentation with the name engraved and also the small award. 

The Guardian is to be booked for a picture of the presentation.

Lane MacLaren presented a draft agenda and it was reviewed.


·         Crown Garden Clean Up

Doug MacDonald and Lane MacLaren will do the fall clean up of the Crown Garden in late October.


·         2014 Provincial Project Update

Laura Lee Howard reported that she is working on the required “special event” insurance for “Soaring to New Heights”.  Quotes are being received and assessed to make sure the insurance meets the requirement of 2014 and of Ag Canada.  Laura Lee will continue to liaise with Wayne Riley of Ag Canada Research.




·         Senator Callbeck Tree Plaque

Connie MacKay Carr reported that she has confirmed that the tree planted by Senator Callbeck is a Little Leaf Linden.  Connie is in the process of having the plaque made for the tree.  Connie also informed that she has a print of the Royal Crown Garden framed and given to Van Dampen Nursery as thanks for their support.



6.   New Business

·         Changes to the Board

It is expected that the present Board of Directors will renew their term for another year.  There will be a motion at the annual meeting which will include a call from nominations from the floor.

·         Friends of the Farm Membership list

Libby Martin moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded that the names of the Friends of the Farm membership, as maintained by the membership chair and is with Island Nature Trust staff for the purpose of communication, will be used for Friends of the Farm business only. Motion carried.


            Adjournment and date of next meeting


           There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is the annual meeting on November 4, 2013.


The Board will meet for a Christmas social at the home of Libby Martin, a date to be confirmed.  Thursday, December 5 being a possible date.







            Lane MacLaren                                               Nora Jenkins

            Chair                                                               Secretary