February 15, 2013 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board meeting

1 pm

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ravenwood Boardroom


Present:   Laura Lee Howard, Connie MacKay Carr, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Roger Younker, and Doug MacDonald.

Regrets:   Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren, Sylvia Poitier, Kim Devine, Ken MacDonald

  1. Call to Order

Acting Chair, Doug MacDonald called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of the agenda

Roger Younker moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.


3.      Approval of the minutes of January 16, 2013

An amendment to the minutes was put forward. Libby Martin moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the minutes of January 16, 2013 as revised. Motion carried.


4.      Financial Report

No report was presented due to the absence of Nora Jenkins.


5.   Business Arising from Minutes of January 16, 2013

  • Membership

Gertie Purdy reported that a letter was sent to the membership requesting renewal and including an update on activities.  To date about $500 worth of membership dues have been received.  Gertie and Laura Lee Howard will have a display at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday in an effort to recruit new members and collect renewals.

  • Janice Simmonds Award

Roger Younker visited Joe MacAskill to discuss the construction of the award designed by Henry Purdy.  The base will be raised one inch in order to include the phrase “Friends of the Farm”. The carved award should be ready by late April or early May.  It was decided that the individual receiving the award will be given a framed citation to keep. Roger Younker and Nora Jenkins will do up an example of what the citation could look like for review by the Board.

  • 2014

Laura Lee Howard contacted Wayne Riley of the Research Station to discuss ideas and a possible application for a 2014 Grant but has not had any reply as yet.



  1. New Business


  •   Meeting with Hon. Gail Shea

Doug MacDonald, Sylvia Poirier and Lane MacLaren attended a meeting with Minister Shea regarding the future of the Farm and ideas for 2014 celebrations.  There was a considerable and good discussion.


  1. Adjournment and date of next meeting


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Monday, March 25 at 1 15 pm at Ravenwood.





___________________________                                   _____________________


Lane MacLaren                                                                    Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                                      Secretary

January 16, 2013 Minutes


Friends of the Farm

Board meeting

1 pm

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ravenwood Small Boardroom


Present:   Laura Lee Howard, Connie MacKay Carr, Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Libby Martin, Sylvia Poitier, Roger Younker, Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald.

Regrets:   Kim Devine, Ken MacDonald

  1. Call to Order

Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.


  1. Approval of the agenda

Sylvia Poitier moved, Catherine Hennessey seconded the approval of the agenda with the addition of the approval of the minutes of October 9, 2012. Motion carried.


3.      Approval of the minutes of October 9, 2012

Libby Martin moved, Laura Lee Howard seconded the approval of the   minutes of October 9, 2012. Motion carried.


4.      Financial Report

Nora Jenkins reported that the bank balance as of December 7, 2012 is $5,583.92. Of that $3,090.00 is the Janice Simmonds Memorial.  Further bills to be paid are $78.75 for rental of the Farm Centre for Friends of the Farm annual meeting and $173.40 for office expenses for 2012.


  1. Membership

Gertie Purdy reported a few memberships have been renewed for 2013.  She suggested that a letter be sent to the membership requesting renewal and also updating members.  Nora Jenkins agreed to assist with the letter.










6.      Business Arising from Minutes of October 9, 2012

  • Janice Simmonds Award

Roger Younker moved, Sylvia Poirier seconded that Friends of the Farm accept the proposed award designed by Henry Purdy and to be constructed by MacAskills, at an estimated cost of $452.92, to be the Janice Simmonds Memorial Award.

It was agreed that the award would be displayed in a prominent place, likely Ravenwood.  The description would be attached and displayed and be visible. It was also agreed that the name “Friends of the Farm” be visible.

The time for presentation would be spring and the date will be picked at the February meeting.

Two ideas were presented to be the small gift which would be given to the recipient.  One could be a picture of the award and the criteria which would be mounted. The second a framed picture of Ravenwood done by Clair Perry.

It was agreed that the decision would be made at the February meeting.

Connie MacKay Carr moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the criteria of the Janice Simmonds award which were circulated in November.  Motion carried.

Nora Jenkins agreed to investigate the cost and doing of the first suggestion.


  • Memorial Bench

The Memorial Bench has been bought and will be installed in the spring. It was agreed that there would be planting around the bench and this will be arranged with Nancy McMinn of Parks with the City.


  • Website update

Connie MacKay Carr  informed that she welcomes any information for the website.


  • 2014

Doug MacDonald informed and circulated information regarding a 2014 Farm Centre proposal.

Doug will send a letter of support from the Friends of the Farm to the Farm Centre.

Ideas were discussed regarding a 2014 project for the Friends of the Farm, the goal being to create activity on the Farm, possibly a Kite Flying Day.

Laura Lee Howard agreed to contact Wayne Riley with the Research station to discuss ideas and a possible application for a  2014 Grant.  She will bring information to the February meeting.







  1. New Business
  • Report of meeting with Gayle Arsenault

Lane MacLaren reported on a meeting with Dr Maria Rodriguez, Gayle Arensault, Wayne Riley, Doug MacDonald and himself.

In the meeting Dr Rodriguez expressed support for the Friends of the Farm initiatives.  She reinforced that the Farm is a worksite and also that all concerns should be brought to Gayle Arensault or herself.

She informed that there is a two year lease with the Coast Guard for a building on the property and that there will be a fence around the building.

It was agreed that the Farm staff would continue to plant the Royal       Crown and the Friends of the Farm maintain.

It was agreed that it was a positive meeting.




  1. Adjournment and date of next meeting


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.


The date of the next meeting is Monday, February 4 at 1 15 pm at Ravenwood.





___________________________                                   _____________________


Lane MacLaren                                                                    Nora Jenkins

Chair                                                                                      Secretary

AGM 06-11-2012



Farm Centre, University Avenue

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

7 P.M.

1. Call to Order

Acting Chair, Lane MacLaren called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Lloyd MacLeod, Honourary Chair, and Bert Christie, past Board member, were recognized.

2. Approval of Agenda

Kim Devine moved, Bert Christie the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the minutes of the 2011 annual meeting, November 21, 2011.

Sylvia Poirier moved, Libby Martin seconded the approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting on November 21, 2011. Motion carried.

4. Review of the years activities

Lane Mac Laren, acting chair, reviewed the activities of the Friends of the Farm of the past year. He highlighted the Crown Garden which was planted again this year, and he expressed appreciation to Doug MacDonald who volunteer’s considerable time to making sure the garden is planted and who arranges with VanKampen Nursery to obtain plants at half price. It was pointed out that staff of the Experimental Farm plant the Crown Garden but do not maintain and that volunteers with Friends of the Farm will need to do this another year.

Mr MacLaren noted the presentation which was organized in the spring for the public with Kevin Garvey about early and present day apple growing on Prince Edward Island with particular note on the apple orchard that stood on the Experimental Farm.

Noted as well is the revamped website for the Friends of the Farm which is kept up to date thanks to Connie MacKay Carr. And that there have been meetings with the City of Charlottetown, management of the Research Station and the Hon. Gail Shea with the purpose to continue to advocate for the Farms future as green space.


5. Financial Report

Nora Jenkins, Secretary Treasurer, circulated the financial report/review for the year April 2011 – March 2012. Nora Jenkins moved, Lloyd MacLeod seconded, the adoption of the financial review as presented by the accountant firm of Arsenault, Best, Cameron and Ellis. Motion carried. Nora Jenkins moved, Sylvia Mulligan seconded that Arsenault, Best, Cameron and Ellis be the accountants for the financial review for the Friends of the Farm for the year April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. Motion carried.

6. Membership Report

Gertie Purdy, Membership Chair, thanked members for support and reported that there are 340 members of the Friends of the Farm. Gertie Purdy moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the adoption of the membership report. Motion carried.

7. Nominating Committee Report

Sylvia Poirier presented the nomination report: Chair Lane MacLaren, Vice Chair Doug MacDonald and board member to fill vacancy, Laura Lee Howard. Ms. Poirier called for nominations from the floor. There being none, she moved, Roger Younker seconded the adoption of the nominating report.

8. Remembering Janice Simmonds

Lane MacLaren paid tribute and made remembrance of Janice Simmonds, Board Chair, who passed away on Monday, May 28. He noted that Janice displayed a strong passion for the Charlottetown Experimental Farm property and continued to contribute as board chair during her illness. Mr. MacLaren expressed Janice’s love for the environment which went beyond the farm property, that she truly loved the outdoors, fresh air and open green spaces.

The love Janice showed for nature was very strong, however her love for family and friends was by far her greatest passion. The Simmonds/ MacEachern families have lost a cherished family member. As we move forward together it will be important to remember Janice and draw inspiration from her as we continue in our daily lives. Janice’s dedication, passion and positive attitude will continue to motivate our board members as our work continues”.

Mr. MacLaren then announced that The Friends of the Farm Board have decided to establish “The Janice Simmonds Memorial Award” . This award along with the memorial bench, which will be placed on Confederation Trail on the Farm, are made possible by donations made to the Janice Simmonds Memorial Fund. The award is being designed by Friends of the Farm member and artist, Henry Purdy, and will be presented in the spring 2013. Criteria for the award was circulated and is as follows:


Janice Simmonds Award

An award established by the Friends of the Farm (PEI) Inc. to honour an individual, group, or agency who/which has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island, including but not limited to the land within the City of Charlottetown commonly referred to as “The Experimental Farm”.


To support the work of individuals or groups who are involved in the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island

To recognize outstanding efforts and advocacy which have resulted in the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island

To encourage award recipients and others to continue their efforts to enhance the importance and benefits of public green spaces for the people and the natural environment of Prince Edward Island

Potential Recipients

Individuals or groups who have successfully lobbied or advocated with government bodies for the establishment or preservation of pubic green spaces

Individuals or groups who have raised the public consciousness regarding the importance and value of green spaces through programs or publicity efforts

Individuals or groups who have done research or written documentation related to existing or potential public green spaces and/or to the value and importance of green spaces to the public and to the natural heritage of Prince Edward Island

9. Introduction of Guest Speaker

Kim Devine introduced guest speaker, Catherine Hennessey, who addressed the topic Ravenwood – An Early Estate, A Place in History, A Local Treasure with pictures, much historical information and good wit. Doug MacDonald thanked Ms. Hessessey for sharing her considerable knowledge on the topic. Appreciation was shown.

10. Adjournment

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Lane MacLaren Nora Jenkins

Chair Secretary


AGM – Notes, November 2012

The annual meeting of the Friends of the Farm was held at the Farm Centre, University Avenue on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The guest speaker for the meeting was Charlottetown historian and Friends of the Farm board member, Catherine Hennessey.  Her topic was Ravenwood- An Early Estate, A place in History, A Local Treasure.
Pictured with Catherine Hennessey above is Doug MacDonald, Vice Chair, Kim Devine who introduced Catherine and Lane MacLaren,Chair of the Board of the Friends of the Farm. They are joined as board members by Gertie Purdy, Roger Younker, Connie MacKay- Carr, Libby Martin, Laura Lee Howard, Sylvia Poirier, Ken MacDonald  and Nora Jenkins.  Lloyd MacLeod is honourary chair.  Mr. MacLeod and his family were the last residents of Ravenwood and Mr. MacLeod was in attendance at the meeting.
The Janice Simmonds Award was announced at the meeting. This award will be made annually  to honour an individual, group, or agency who/which has made a significant contribution to the creation, protection, preservation, or management of public green spaces on Prince Edward Island.  The award will be made in the spring.
It was also announced that a bench will be placed on Confederation Trail on the Farm in Janice Simmond’s memory.  Janice was the chair of the Friends of the Farm at the time of her passing, May 28, 2012 and a long time board member who treasured the Experimental Farm and who had a passion and love of the environment.  The award and the memorial bench are made possible by donations made to the Janice Simmonds memorial.

AGM – Agenda 11-2012



DATE: Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Charlottetown Farm Center, 420 University Avenue, RM# 105

GUEST SPEAKER: Charlottetown Historian Catherine Hennessey

TOPIC: RAVENWOOD: An Early Estate, A Place in History, A Local Treasure

October 9, 2012 Minutes

Friends of the Farm Board Meeting
Ravenwood Boardroom
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
1 pm

Present:   Gertie Purdy, Catherine Hennessey, Doug MacDonald, Connie MacKay-Carr, Libby Martin, Lane MacLaren

Regrets: Nora Jenkins Sylvia Poirier, Kim Devine, Roger Younker, Ken MacDonald

1.    Call to Order
Lane MacLaren, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order.

2.    Approval of the Agenda
Connie MacKay Carr moved, Gertie Purdy seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3.    Approval of the minutes of  September 13, 2012
Catherine Hennessey moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of September 13, 2012. Motion carried.
4.    Business from previous meeting.
·    Annual Meeting – The date of Tuesday November 6 at 7:00 pm was confirmed for the annual meeting. Lane MacLaren will book the Farm Centre for that evening.  Catherine Hennessey will be the speaker for the meeting and will talk about the history and context of Ravenwood, Ardgowan, and the “Royalities” area; her proposed title for the talk was “Ravenwood: A Royalty Treasure”. Connie MacKay-Carr will arrange for an ad in the newspapers and she and Gertie Purdy will see that an e-mail notification goes out to the membership. Laura Lee Howard was contacted and has agreed to put herself forward as a new nominee to the Board.
·    Report on the Memorial Fund – The criteria for the  Janice
Simmonds Award has been written and Henry Purdy was contacted about designing a lasting plaque. The first award will be given to Lloyd MacLeod at the annual meeting. Bert Christie will prepare and read the citation for the award. Lane MacLaren has also prepared a piece about Janice for the award ceremony.  It was agreed the annual award will consist of a framed copy of the Harris painting of Ravenwood with a hand-lettered inscription on the matting stating: Janice Simmonds Award presented by Friends of the Farm to recipient’s name and year. The Simmonds and MacEachern family will be informed about the award and invited to attend the annual meeting.
·    Planning for the Memorial Fund – Lane MacLaren and Doug MacDonald met with Dr. Rodriguez and Gail Arsenault to discuss the various ideas for a memorial to Janice Simmonds on Farm property.  They were sympathetic about the idea of a memorial but they indicated that anything permanent and immovable or necessitating maintenance on the property would require approval from Ottawa and that this was unlikely to be given as similar requests had been turned down in the past. Connie MacKay-Carr will inform the MacEachern family that their idea for a magnolia grove does not appear possible.
·    It was decided the Friends would pursue a different option and place a memorial bench with plaque on the section of the Rails for Trails that runs through the Farm. A motion to purchase a bench from the City was put forward by Doug MacDonald and seconded by Connie MacKay-Carr and all voted in favour. Perpetual care of the bench and winter storage will be included in the purchase price. It was suggested a perennial flower bed could be planted and maintained by the Friends beside the bench. Lane MacLaren will contact the City to arrange for the purchase of a bench and its placement at the desired location.

5.    New Business
There was a discussion of ideas related to what the Friends of the Farm could do to commemorate the 2014 anniversary and the potential partners in any project.

6.    Adjournment and date of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.  The date of the next meeting was not determined.

Lane MacLaren                    Nora Jenkins
Action Chair                        Secretary – Treasurer

September 13, 2012 Minutes

Friends of the Farm Board Meeting
Ravenwood Boardroom
Thursday, September 13, 2012
1 pm

Present:     Sylvia Poirier, Catherine Hennessey, Doug MacDonald, Connie MacKay- Carr, Libby Martin, Kim Devine, Nora Jenkins, Lane MacLaren

Regrets:    Gertie Purdy, Roger Younker

1.    Call to Order
Lane MacLaren, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order.

2.    Approval of the Agenda
Connie MacKay- Carr moved, Kim Devine seconded the approval of the agenda. Motion carried.

3.    Approval of the minutes of  June 12, 2012
Libby Martin moved, Doug MacDonald seconded the approval of the minutes of June 12, 2012. Motion carried.

4.    Financial report
Nora Jenkins reported that the Friends of the Farm has a balance of $6,379.55 of which is $3790.00 the Janice Simmonds Memorial.
5.    Business from previous meeting
·    Premier’s Grove – Connie MacKay- Carr showed the plaques that were made for each of the Premiers trees which she will have installed.  All trees are reported to be healthy.
·    “Crown” Garden – Grew well all summer and was enjoyed.
·    Annual Meeting – The date of November 5, 6 are suggested dates at the Farm Centre.  Various ideas were discussed for guest speaker and Catherine Hennessey and Kim Devine will check some possibilities.
Nominations were discussed and it was agreed that Laura Lee Howard and Josh Weale would be asked to join the Board.  Lane MacLaren agreed to serve as Chair and Doug Mad Donald will serve as Vice Chair.
·    Report on the Memorial Fund – Nora Jenkins reported that thank you notes and receipts were mailed to one hundred donors and thanks for help doing this was expressed. It was agreed that the Friends of the Farm establish the Janice Simmonds Award to recognize a person who has advocated for the preservation of the Farm or other green space.  It was agreed that Libby Martin would write criteria for the award.  Nora Jenkins agreed to contact Henry Purdy to consider designing a lasting plaque. It was agreed that the first award would be given at the annual meeting.
·    Planning for the Memorial Fund – Various ideas were discussed including a gazebo or bench by the lily pond, an apple orchard.  It was also suggested that things could change for the Farm and the Friends might wish to take some time deciding. It is understood that the MacEachern family wishes to plant a magnolia grove.  This will be discussed with Dr Rodriguez and Gail Arsenault from the Research Station and will make arrangements for the family to make this memorial. Lane MacLaren will arrange for a meeting with Dr Rodriguez
·    Website – Connie MacKay- Carr appreciates  items being sent to her to upload to the website.  Connie informs us that Alex Price who set up the site and helped considerably has moved to Edmonton.  Nora Jenkins will write a note to thank her and to wish her well.

6.    New Business
Catherine Hennessey suggested that the Friends of the Farm consider how they might commemorate the 2014 anniversary and that an application be made for funding.

7.    Adjournment and date of next meeting
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.  The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at Ravenwood.

Lane MacLaren                    Nora Jenkins
Acting  Chair                        Secretary – Treasurer